Class: When::V::Journal

Event show all
Defined in:


Journal を定義する


Constant Summary collapse

Properties =
[['dtstamp', 'uid'], [],
                 ['class', 'created', 'dtstart',
'last_modified', 'organizer', 'recurid', 'seq',
'status', 'summary', 'url'], [],
'attach', 'attendee', 'categories', 'comment', 'contact',
'description', 'exdate', 'exevent', 'related', 'rdate',
Classes =

Constants inherited from Event

Event::DayOfWeek, Event::RegisteredNoteMethods, Event::RegisteredNotes

Constants inherited from Root

Root::AwareProperties, Root::DefaultOptional, Root::DefaultUnique

Constants included from Namespace

Namespace::DC, Namespace::DCQ, Namespace::DCT, Namespace::FOAF, Namespace::OWL, Namespace::RDF, Namespace::RDFC, Namespace::RDFS, Namespace::RSS, Namespace::XSD

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Event

#dtend, #dtstart, #duration, #exdate, #first_occurrence, #google_api_props, #rdate, #rrule, #summary

Attributes inherited from Root

#calscale, #property

Attributes inherited from BasicTypes::Object


Attributes included from Parts::Resource

#child, #keys, #locale, #namespace

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Event

_setup_, _setup_info, default_until, #dtstop, #each, gcal2ical, iterator_for_ISO8601, #label, #to_gcalevent

Methods included from Parts::Resource::Pool

#[], #[]=, #_setup_

Methods inherited from Root


Methods included from Parts::Resource

#[], #^, _instance, _setup_, _setup_info, base_uri, #each, #enum_for, #hierarchy, #include?, #included?, #iri, #leaf?, #m17n, #map, #parent, #registered?, root_dir

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class When::Parts::Resource