Class: When::Ephemeris::JGD2000

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Typical Geometrical Datum

provisionally same as When::Ephemeris::Earth

Constant Summary

Constants included from When::Ephemeris

AU, AcS, BCENT, C0, CIRCLE, COS, COSL, COSLT, COST, DAY, DEG, EPOCH1800, EPOCH1900, EPOCH1975, EPOCH2000, FARAWAY, JCENT, JYEAR, Jupiter, LIN, Mars, Mercury, Neptune, PSEC, Pluto, SIN, SINL, SINLT, SINT, Saturn, Uranus, Venus

Constants included from Namespace

Namespace::DC, Namespace::DCQ, Namespace::DCT, Namespace::FOAF, Namespace::OWL, Namespace::RDF, Namespace::RDFC, Namespace::RDFS, Namespace::RSS, Namespace::XSD

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Datum

#air, #axis, #dl, #first_day, #jsl, #jsn, #jsr, #jst, #last_day, #nn, #phi, #radius, #shape, #sid, #surface_radius, #theta, #zeros

Attributes inherited from CelestialObject

#aberration, #luminosity

Attributes inherited from BasicTypes::Object


Attributes included from Parts::Resource

#child, #keys, #locale, #namespace

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Earth

#_coords, #mean_motion

Methods inherited from Datum

#apparent_luminosity, #apparent_radius, #axis_of_rotation, #elongation, #equation_of_time, #mean_longitude, #mean_motion, #phase_of_eclipse, #true_longitude

Methods inherited from CelestialObject


Methods included from When::Ephemeris

_adjust, _rot, _to_p2, _to_p3, _to_r3, acos, asin, cosc, cosd, delta_e, delta_p, julian_century_from_2000, julian_year_from_1975, obl, polynomial, root, sinc, sind, tanc, tand, trigonometric

Methods included from Parts::Resource

#[], #^, _instance, _setup_, _setup_info, base_uri, #each, #enum_for, #hierarchy, #include?, #included?, #iri, #leaf?, #m17n, #map, #parent, #registered?, root_dir

Methods included from Parts::Resource::Pool

#[], #[]=, #_setup_

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class When::Parts::Resource