Class: When::Coordinates::Branch

Residue show all
Defined in:



Constant Summary collapse

Rules =
  '大將軍' => %w(           ),
  '大陰'   => %w(           ),

  '歳刑'   => %w(           ),
  ''     => %w(           ),
  ''     => %w(   ),
  '黄幡'   => %w(           ),
  '豹尾'   => %w(           ),
  '歳次'   => %w(玄枵 星紀 析木 大火 壽星 鶉尾 鶉火 鶉首 實沈 大梁 降婁 娵訾),

  '天氣'   => %w(東南 西  西南  西 西北   東北  ),
  '天道'   => %w(艮坤 甲庚 乙辛 巽乾 丙壬 丁癸),
  '人道'   => %w(巽乾 丙壬 丁癸 艮坤 甲庚 乙辛),
  '天徳'   => %w(           ),
  '用時'   => %w(艮巽坤乾 乙丁辛亥 甲丙庚壬),
  '月徳'   => %w(   ),
  '月徳合' => %w(   ),
  '月空'   => %w(   ),
  '三鏡'   => %w(甲丙庚壬坤乾 甲乙丁庚辛癸 乙辛乾坤巽艮 甲丙庚壬乾巽
          乙丙丁辛壬癸 丁癸乾坤巽艮 甲丙庚壬坤艮 甲乙丁庚辛癸
          乙辛乾艮巽坤 甲丙庚壬乾巽 乙丙丁辛壬癸 丁癸坤乾艮巽),
  '土府'   => %w(           ),
  '土公'   => %w(           ),

  '十二直' => %w(  滿         ),
  '三禍'   => %w(           ),
  '下食時' => %w(亥+ 子+ 丑+ 寅+       酉+ 戌+)

Constants inherited from Residue


Constants included from Namespace

Namespace::DC, Namespace::DCQ, Namespace::DCT, Namespace::FOAF, Namespace::OWL, Namespace::RDF, Namespace::RDFC, Namespace::RDFS, Namespace::RSS, Namespace::XSD

Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from Residue

#carry, #divisor, #remainder, #shifted, #units

Attributes inherited from BasicTypes::Object


Attributes included from Parts::Resource

#child, #keys, #locale, #namespace

Method Summary

Methods inherited from Residue

#%, #&, #+, #-, #<<, #>>, #[], _china, _day_of_week, #_enumerator, day_of_week, #difference, #duration, #event, #initialize, mod, #to, #to_m17n, #to_s

Methods included from Parts::Resource

#[], #^, _instance, _setup_, _setup_info, base_uri, #each, #enum_for, #hierarchy, #include?, #included?, #iri, #leaf?, #m17n, #map, #parent, #registered?, root_dir

Methods included from Parts::Resource::Pool

#[], #[]=, #_setup_

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from When::Coordinates::Residue

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class When::Coordinates::Residue