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CENELEC(欧州電気標準化委員会)の TC(技術委員会)/SC(分科委員会) 一覧
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TC001〜TC009 TC010〜TC019 TC020〜TC029 TC030〜TC039 TC040〜TC049 

TC050〜TC059 TC060〜TC069 TC070〜TC079 TC080〜TC089 TC090〜TC099 

TC100〜TC109 TC200〜TC209 TC210〜TC219 BTTF BTWG

TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
001   [none]    
002   Rotating machinery   To prepare harmonized standards giving specifications and application rules for rotating machines based on IEC publication 34 "Rotating electrical machines" and its parts and also standards relating to the mechanical vibration of these machines. New work is concentrated only on subjects which have not already been proposed to IEC TC 2 or to one of its Working Groups.
003   [none]    
004   [none]    
005   [none]    
006   [none]    
007   Overhead electrical conductors   To prepare European standards for: - the electrical and mechanical properties of the following materials for use as overhead conductors: aluminium - aluminium alloys - steel - coated steel - copper - copper alloys - overhead electrical conductors using wire manufactured from the above materials, excluding grooved contact wires - covered overhead conductors, in collaboration with CENELEC TC 20 - overhead electrical conductors containing fibre optic cables, in collaboration with CENELEC TC 86A - overhead electrical conductors containing metallic telecommunication cables, in collaboration with CENELEC TC 46X - greases used for the protection of overhead electrical conductors - to liaise with the following related technical committees: CENELEC TC 9X, TC 11, TC 20, TC 46X, TC 86A and TC 99X; CEN TC 132
008   [none]    
009X   Electrical and electronic applications for railways   Standardization of electrical and electronic systems, equipment and associated software for use in all railway applications, whether on vehicles or fixed installations, including urban transport.
009XA Communication, signalling and processing systems   To deal with the standardization of railway communication, signalling and processing systems, taking into account the relevant safety requirements.
009XB Electromechanical material on board rolling stock   To deal with the standardization of all electromechanical equipment used on rolling stock, excluding electronic control and power electronics.
009XC Electric supply and earthing systems for public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations)   ancillary apparatus (Fixed installations) - AC and DC supply lines, both overhead and third rail type - Ancillary circuits - Machinery and equipment of special feature for traction in fixed plants - Installations and safety requirements in fixed plants
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
010   [none]    
011   Overhead electrical lines exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.)   - To prepare harmonized standard for overhead electrical lines. - The standard(s) will specify the general requirements that should be met by the design and construction of an overhead line to ensure that the line is suitable for its purpose with regard to safety of persons, maintenance, operation and environmental consideration. CENELEC, CEN, IEC publications and other relevant documents have to be considered.
012   [none]    
013   Equipment for electrical energy measurement and load control   To prepare European Standards (using whenever possible IEC standards) for electrical energy measuring and electrical load control equipment (such as watt-hour meters, var-hour meters, maximum demand indicators, telemetering for consumption and demand, equipment for remote meter reading, time switches, equipment for the control of loads and tariffs and consumer services) including the equivalent electronic forms of these devices and their accessories.
014   Power transformers   To prepare harmonized standards for power transformers, reactors, on-load tap changers and other accessories, based on concluded international standards set up by IEC TC 14, SC 14B and 14C. To prepare also other harmonized standards concerning the above mentioned devices.
015   [none]    
016   [none]    
017A   High-voltage switchgear and controlgear   To prepare harmonized standards for high-voltage circuit-breakers, switches, disconnectors and earthing switches based on IEC standards. Note: The work of TC 17A WG "Pressure vessels for high-voltage switchgear" now disbanded has been transferred to TC 17C.
017B   Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear including dimensional standardization   To prepare harmonized standards for low-voltage apparatus, based on concluded international standards (normally prepared by IEC SC 17B).
017C   High-voltage enclosed switchgear and controlgear   To prepare harmonized standards for high-voltage enclosed switchgear and controlgear and to monitor the progress of IEC work on the basis of IEC Standards such as Publications 60298, 60466 and 60517. The preparation of standards for enclosures of gas-filled high-voltage enclosed switchgear having a design pressure higher than atmospheric pressure is also under consideration by a Working Group.
017D   Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies   To prepare a harmonized standard for factory-built and other assemblies of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear based on IEC 60439.
018   [none]    
019   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
020   Electric cables   To prepare harmonized standards in the field of insulated conductors, cables and flexible cords and their accessories, for both low and high voltage with the exception of telecommunications wires and cables.
021X   Secondary cells and batteries   To execute the following stardardization activities for secondary cells and batteries: - to implement IEC/TC 21/SC 21A documents into CENELEC standards; - to prepare Product Standards, General Requirements and Methods of Testing included; - to prepare Safety Standards and associated Codes of Practice; - to consider Environmental Requirements (EC Rules) for the products.
022X   Power electronics   To prepare standards dealing with power electronics. The standards will deal with equipment, their component parts (especially electronic devices) and their extension to the system aspect. Standards for power converters interfacing general power systems to dedicated systems, for example railways, shall be dealt with jointly by TC 22X and relevant product committees. The following are excluded: - converters for rolling stock; - converters and charging equipment for electrical vehicles; - emitters for telecommunication; - dimmers for lighting.
023A   [none]    
023B   Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations   To prepare harmonized standards for manually operated general purpose switches, with a rated voltage not exceeding 44O V and a rated current not exceeding 63 A, intended for household and similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors. To prepare an harmonized standard for general requirements for enclosures for accessories with a rated voltage not exceeding 440V, intended for household or similar fixed electrical installations, either indoors or outdoors.
023C   [none]    
023D   [none]    
023E   Circuit breakers and similar devices for household and similar applications   To prepare harmonized standards for electrical circuit breakers for overcurrent protection, devices protecting against electric shock and all related accessories. These devices are used for household and similar purposes. The word "similar" includes locations such as offices, commercial and industrial premises, hospitals, public buildings etc. This equipment is intended for fixed installations or for use in or with appliances or other equipment. This equipment may include electronic components.
024   [none]    
025   [none]    
026A   Electric arc welding equipment   To prepare harmonized standards for the construction, installation, testing, use and safety of electric arc welding equipment.
026B   Electric resistance welding   To prepare harmonized standards for the construction, installation, testing and use of electrical resistance welding equipment with the aim of achieving improved electrical safety, with particular reference to the work of IEC/TC 26, TC 44, TC 64 and ISO/TC 44.
027   [none]    
028A   [none:Activity2001/2] <= Insulation coordination for low-voltage equipment 【廃止:2001?】 To prepare basic safety standards as understood by IEC guide 104 on insulation coordination for voltages up to and including 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c., including dimensioning of clearance and creepage distances. This comprises all methods of dielectric testing with respect to insulation coordination.
029   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
030   [none]    
031   Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres: General requirements   To standardize the general requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres and the specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus, type of protection "o" (oil immersed) and type of protection "q" (powder filled) and types with protection for use in the presence of combustible dusts, and to co-ordinate the work of the sub-committees dealing with the standardization of specific requirements for other individual types of protection.
031-01 Installation rules   To standardize rules for the installation of electrical apparatus in a potentially explosive atmosphere.
031-02 Flameproof enclosures "d"   To standardize specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus with flameproof enclosure, type of protection "d", intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
031-03 Intrinsically safe apparatus and systems "I"   To standardize specific requirements for construction and testing of intrinsically safe electrical apparatus, type of protection "I", intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
031-04 Increased safety "e"   To standardize specific requirements for the construction and testing of the following electrical apparatus intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres :- Increased safety electrical apparatus, type of protection "e", - Caplight for mines susceptible to firedamp.
031-05 Apparatus type of protection "n"   To standardize specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus type of protection "n", intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
031-06 [none]    
031-07 Pressurization and other techniques   To standardize specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical apparatus, type of protection "p", including that with an internal source of flammable gas and vapour intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.
031-08 Electrostatic painting and finishing equipment   To standardize specific requirements for the construction, testing and use of electrostatic paint and powder equipment for spraying flammable materials.
031-09 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases to be used in industrial and commercial potentially explosive atmospheres   (See also TC 216) General and specific requirements for construction, safety, performance and testing of apparatus for sensing the presence of combustible gases or vapours and for measuring their concentration in industrial and commercial potentially explosive atmospheres.
032   [none]    
033   [none]    
034Z   Electrical discharge lamp installations   To prepare harmonized standards based on concluded international standards in the lighting field, but excluding lamps.
035   [none]    
036A   Insulated bushings    
037   [none]    
038X   Instrument transformers   To prepare European standards for electronic, electromagnetic and capacitive equipment intended to adapt voltage and current for supplying instruments and protective devices.
039   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
040XA   Capacitors   - To prepare and maintain specifications relating to capacitors and filters, in accordance with the requirements of document CECC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for the quality assessment of electronic components. - To prepare and maintain standards and guides relating to capacitors and filters, which are required to facilitate the trading activities of European component users and manufacturers. - Liaison with other CENELEC Committees, such as WG-Database, and with CENELEC User Groups, is maintained to provide a system of specifications and standards which is both flexible and homogeneous across the range of components covered. - Liaison with IEC Technical Committees, particularly with TC 40, TC 91 and TC 104, is maintained, where such liaison will promote the convergence of the two systems. Close liaison with TC 40 includes parallel voting on similar documents where possible. Notes The term capacitors is used to cover both fixed and variable capacitors for use in electronic equipment but does not cover capacitors for high power use and lighting. The term filter covers capacitors, resistors, inductors and combinations of these, when used for EMI suppression purposes. This Committee does not deal with: - Lighting capacitors, which are the responsibility of CLC/TC 34Z; - Power capacitors and power filters, which are covered by TC 33 in IEC, and ratified under the parallel vote procedure.
040XB   Resistors   - To prepare and maintain specifications relating to fixed and variable resistors, in accordance with the requirements CECC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for the quality assessment of electronic components. - To prepare and maintain standards and guides relating to fixed and variable resistors, which are required to facilitate the trading activities of European component users and manufacturers.- Liaison with other CENELEC Committees, such as WG-Database, and with CENELEC User Groups, is maintained to provide a system of specifications and standards which is both flexible and homogeneous across the range of components covered. - Liaison with IEC Technical Committees, particularly with TC 40, TC 91 and TC 104, is maintained, where such liaison will promote the convergence of the two systems. Close liaison with TC40 includes parallel voting on similar documents where possible.
041   [none]    
042   [none]    
043   [none]    
044X   Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects   To prepare harmonized standards primarily relating to electrical and electronic equipment and systems of machines (including a group of machines working together in a co-ordinated manner excluding higher-level systems aspects) not portable by hand while working but which may include mobile equipment. The equipment covered commences at the point of connection of the electrical supply to the machine. To prepare harmonized standards for safety related equipment, using electrotechnology, intended to be used to satisfy the essential safety requirements of the Council of the European Communities directives covering safety of machinery that is outside the scope of any other technical committee. To co-ordinate with CEN, all matters concerning the safety of machinery. To advise the BT on all matters concerning machinery.
045   [none]    
046X   Communication cables   To establish standards related to wires, symmetric cables, coaxial cables and waveguides with metallic conductors for use in telecommunication, data transmission, radio frequency, video communication and signalling equipment to satisfy the advances in developing technologies. Particular requirements for materials, if necessary, will be evaluated in liaison with other technical committees.
046XA Coaxial cables   To establish and maintain European standards regarding coaxial cables for use in telecommunication, data transmission, radio frequency, video-communication and signalling equipment.
046XB [none]    
046XC Multicore, multipair and quad data communication cables   To produce European Cable Specifications for multicore and symmetrical pair/quad cables used in digital and analogue communication systems such as ISDN, LAN and data communication systems. According to the installation considerations, five categories of cables are to be considered: 1. Equipment cables, 2. Work area cables, 3. Horizontal floor wiring cables, 4. Riser cables, 5. Campus cables.
047   [none]    
048   [none]    
048A   [none]    
048B   LF Connectors   To prepare and maintain specifications for direct current (DC) and low-frequency (LF) connectors, DC and LF connector and cable assemblies and/or wiring harnesses, allowing for the influence of cable type or design. This will be done in accordance with the requirements of document CEC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for the quality assessment of electronic components.
049   Piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection   To prepare and maintain specifications for piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection, in accordance with the requirements of document CECC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for the quality assessment of electronic components.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
050   [none]    
051   [none]    
052   [none]    
053   [none]    
054   [none]    
055   Winding wires    
056   [none]    
057   [none]    
058   [none]    
059X   Consumer information related to household electrical appliances   To determine suitable harmonized test methods to measure characteristics of household electrical appliances which are presented for information to the consumer, for instance energy and water consumption and airborne noise level, under standard measuring conditions, using where possible IEC or ISO standards; to determine harmonized methods for expressing the results for their presentation to the consumer.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
060   [none]    
061   Safety of household and similar electrical appliances   To harmonize recognized international standards dealing with safety requirements for electrical appliances for household and similar purposes and, where necessary, to prepare harmonized standards for such appliances. Health and environmental requirements are to be taken into account.
061A   [none]    
061B   [none]    
061C   [none]    
061D   [none]    
061E   [none]    
061F   Hand-held and transportable electric motor operated tools   To prepare harmonized standards for hand-held and transportable electric motor operated tools based on approved international standards.
062   Electrical equipment in medical practice   To establish harmonized standards concerning the manufacture of electrical equipment in human and veterinary medical practice in order to remove and prevent trade barriers. Medical practice in this context comprises surgery, dentistry and other specialities.
063   [none]    
064   Electrical installations of buildings   To prepare harmonized standards concerning safety and related matters in the wiring of electrical installations of buildings and promoting compatibility between such standards and those concerning the equipment installed.
064A Electrical installations of buildings: Protection against electric shock   To prepare harmonized standards for protection against electric shock for electrical installations of buildings, and other matters specifically referred to them by the parent committee.
064B Electrical installations of buildings: Protection against thermal effects   To prepare harmonized standards for protection against thermal effects, protection against overcurrent, including current carrying capacities, for electrical installations of buildings, and other matters specifically referred to them by the parent committee.
065   [none]    
065A   [none]    
065B   [none]    
065CX   Fieldbus   To elaborate a generic fieldbus standard and its applications to industrial-process measurement and control, inclusive the mapping of application specific functions on fieldbus protocols. Communications and mapping of application specific functions include in particular those between local and/or remote system functional modules such as, but not limited to, input and output subsystems, control subsystems and process computers.
066   [none]    
067   [none]    
068   [none]    
069X   Electrical systems for electric road vehicles   To prepare European standards related to electrical systems specifically designed for road vehicles, partly or totally propelled from self electric power sources, with special reference to: - charging systems and devices (off board); - connection between vehicle and external charging devices (power and control signals); - electrical safety (on-board and off-board); - selected electrical problems. NOTE: It is understood that auxiliary circuits used for other purpose than propelling (road lights, radio...) and usually supplied at a low voltage of 12 or 24 volts, are out of the scope of TC 69X
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
070   [none]    
071   [none]    
072   Automatic controls for household use   To prepare harmonized standards for rules related to inherent safety, to the operating characteristics where such are associated with applicational safety and to the testing of automatic electrical control devices used in appliances and other apparatus, electrical and non-electrical for household and similar purposes such as those for central heating, air conditioning etc. including the following: 1. Automatic electrical control devices mechanically, electro-mechanically, electrically or electronically operated responsive to or controlling such parameters as temperature, pressure, passage of time, humidity, light, electrostatic effect, flow or liquid level. 2. Automatic electrical control devices serving the starting of small motors that are used principally in appliances and apparatus for household and similar purposes. Such control devices may be built into or be separate from the motor. 3. Non-automatic control devices when such are associated with automatic control devices.
073   [none]    
074   Safety and energy efficiency of information technology equipment   To prepare harmonized standards for the safety and the energy efficiency of information technology equipment including electrical business and telecommunication equiment. Consideration of safety includes, for example, hazard from heat, fire, radiation, acoustic shock and electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards. Consideration of energy efficiency includes, for example, power conservation. Safety pilot function: Methods of measuring leakage current. This includes, for various types of equipment, all aspects of what is referred to as "leakage current", including methods of measurement of current with regard to physiological effects and for installation purposes, under normal conditions and under certain fault conditions.
075   [none]    
076   Optical radiation safety and laser equipment   To prepare harmonized standards in the field of equipment incorporating lasers (and light emitting diodes) or intended only for use with lasers. Also covered are those factors introduced by the use of lasers which are needed to characterize the equipment and/or which are essential to safe use. The scope includes the preparation of standards defining limits for human exposure to optical radiation (100 nm to 1 mm) from artificial sources.
077   [none]    
078   Equipment and tools for live working   To prepare CENELEC standards for work equipment, devices and tools, including personal protective equipment used for work on or near live electrical systems or installations.
079   Alarm systems   To prepare harmonized standards for detection, alarm and monitoring systems for protection of persons and property, and for elements used in these systems. The scope includes in particular intruder and hold-up alarm systems, access control systems, periphery protection systems, combined alarm - fire alarm systems, social alarm systems, CCTV-systems, other monitoring and surveillance systems related to security applications, as well as associated and dedicated transmission and communication systems. The standards shall specify conformity tests.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
080   [none]    
081X   Lightning protection   To prepare European standards or, where not possible, guides for lightning protection for structures and buildings as well as for persons, services and contents.
082   Solar photovoltaic energy systems    
083   [none]    
084   [none]    
085   [none]    
086A   Optical fibres and optical fibre cables   To prepare and maintain specifications for optical fibres and optical fibre cables, excluding image transmission types, in accordance with the requirements of document CECC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for the quality assessment of electronic components.
086BXA   Fibre optics connectors   To prepare and maintain standards and specifications for all fibre optic interconnect, passive and connectorised components, in accordance with the requirements of document CECC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for quality assessment of electronic components.
087   [none]    
088   Wind turbine systems    
089   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
090   [none]    
091   [none]    
092   Safety of audio, video and similar electronic equipment   1. To deal with the adaptation in CENELEC of technical work of IEC/TC 92 and to coordinate the work with other technical Bodies at European level. Note: The field of application of IEC/TC 92 is as follows: Safety of electronic equipment used for generation, transmission, reception, processing, recording and reproduction of audio, video, associated and control signals and for equipment employing similar techniques (e.g.: electronic photo-flash apparatus and equipment used in alarm systems). 2. To ensure that any deviation from the IEC standards, such as common modifications, is only in response to a clear and justifiable European need, such as European and national legislative needs. 3. To resolve application questions e.g. raised by CCA Operational Staff Meetings relative to EN 60065 and any other standard within the responsibility of CLC/TC 92. 4. To keep IEC/TC 92 informed of European requirements so that they may be considered for inclusion in IEC 60065 or in any other standards within the responsibility of IEC/TC 92.
093   [none]    
094   Relays   To prepare and maintain specifications relating to electrical relays in accordance with the requirements of document CECC 00 111, for use within the CECC system for the quality assessment of electronic components.
095   [none]    
096   Small power transformers, reactors and power supply units: Safety requirements   To prepare the endorsement of the IEC 61558 series as EN 61558 series and common modifications, if necessary.
097X   TO BE REVISED: Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes   TO BE REVISED: To prepare draft standards in the field of electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes.
098   [none]    
099X   Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. (1,5 kV d.c.)   To prepare harmonized standards for high voltage power installations (exceeding 1 kV a.c. or 1,5 kV d.c.) located indoors or outdoors, including earthing. The standards will specify the design requirements of the installations, and the selection and erection of electrical equipment in order to ensure the safety of persons and the proper operation of the installations. The standards will not be applicable to factory built and type tested equipment, but will be relevant to the installation of this equipment. The standards will not be applicable to overhead and underground lines between separate installations.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
100   [none]    
101   [none]    
102   [none]    
103   [none]    
104   [none]    
105   [none]    
106X   TC211[Renumbered TC106X::Activity2001/2] <= Electromagnetic fields in the human environment 【廃止】→TC211 TC 106X deals with various aspects of the exposure of people to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz to 300 GHz.
107   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
200   [none]    
201   [none]    
202   [none]    
203   [none]    
204   Safety of electrostatic painting and finishing equipment   To standardize the specific requirements for the protection against high voltage electric shocks in the construction, test and use of electrostatic painting and finishing equipment for spraying non-flammable material.
205   Home and Building Electronic Systems (HBES)   To prepare standards for all aspects of home and building electronic systems in relation to the Information Society. In more detail: To prepare standards to ensure integration of a wide spectrum of control applications and the control and management aspects of other applications in and around homes and buildings, including the gateways to different transmission media and public networks taking into account all matters of EMC and electrical and functional safety. TC 205 will not prepare device standards but the necessary performance requirements and necessary hardware and software interfaces. The standards should specify conformity tests. TC 205 will perform the work in close co-operation with relevant CENELEC TCs and those in CEN and ETSI.
205A Mains communicating systems   To prepare harmonized standards for communication systems using low voltage electricity supply lines or the wiring of buildings as a transmission medium and using frequencies above 3 kHz and up to 30 MHz. This includes the allocation of frequency bands for signal transmissions on the mains.
206   Consumer equipment for entertainment and information and related sub-systems   To develop standards for audio, video and multimedia sub-systems and equipment for consumer use. This includes: - Receiving equipment for satellite, terrestrial and cable broadcasting services including associated data, - Imaging, recording and reproducing equipment and components, - Interfaces and interconnections between equipment, - User interfaces, - Infrared systems and equipment, - Methods of measurement, - Harmonization of relevant IEC standards.
207   [none]    
208   [none]    
209   Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services   To prepare harmonized standards in the field of cable networks including equipment, systems and installations - for headend-reception, processing and distribution of sound and television signals and their associated data signals and - for processing, interfacing and transmitting all kinds of signals for interactive services using all applicable transmission media. All kinds of networks like - CATV - networks - MATV - networks and SMATV - networks - Individual receiving networks and all kinds of equipment, systems and installations installed in such networks, are within this scope. The extent of this standardization work is from the antennas, special signal source inputs to the headend or other interface points to the network up to the system outlet or the terminal input, where no system outlet exists. The standardization of any user terminals (I.e. tuners, receivers, decoders, multimedia terminals etc.) as well as of any coaxial and optical cables and accessories therefore is excluded.
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
210   Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)   To prepare EMC Standards and Guidelines with particular emphasis on the application of the EMC Directive and other EC Directives that contain EMC references and to coordinate all EMC activities in CENELEC.
210A EMC products   1. To consider the harmonization of IEC/CISPR product related documents. 2. To prepare immunity and emission standards for ITE equipment (including telecommunications equipment) covering all aspects. 3. To participate in the preparation of dedicated product standards regarding EMC if directed to do so by TC 210. 4. To ensure the liaison with IEC, ETSI, CCITT regarding product related EMC standards.
211   Electromagnetic fields in the human environment <= TC106X[2001] [TC106Xより移行:Activity2001/2] TC 211 deals with various aspects of the exposure of people to electromagnetic fields from 0 Hz to 300 GHz.
212   [none]    
213   Cable management   To prepare harmonized standards for cable management, cable protection and cable support products including: - Rigid conduits and fittings of metal, insulating materials and composites - Flexible and pliable conduits and fittings of metal insulating materials and composites - Electrical trunking and ducting systems of metal, insulating materials and composites - Channel support, cable tray and cable ladder systems of metal, insulating materials and composites To have regard for the way in which these products are linked together as systems and to the rules for installation.
214   [none]    
215   Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment   - To coordinate standardization in the field of electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment and liaise with other standardization bodies as appropriate. - To prepare harmonized standards (EN and/or ENV) or contributions to ETSI standards (ETS and/or I-ETS) for communication cabling management (e.g. installation and configuration aspects for ISDN, LAN, and others) within all types of premises as well as for specific installation rules for telecommunication equipment (the existing WG Customer Premises Cabling of the former TC 108 will continue its work ensuring the continuity of standardization). - To serve as a mediator in those cases where in accordance with the CENELEC-ETSI-agreement ETSI indicates to CENELEC the need of standardization activities (EN/ENV or contributions to ETS/I-ETS) of electrotechnical aspects related to its work. Identification of the appropriate TC within CENELEC, thereby providing proper assignment of the technical work to the responsible group of experts. Where an appropriate TC within CENELEC cannot be identified, TC 215 may decide to establish a Working Group to resolve a specific task. - To review international standardization results of ISO/IEC JTC1 as far as telecommunication equipment with respect to Customer Premises Cabling is concerned. This includes coordination of harmonization and assignment to the responsible organisation in close cooperation with CEN bearing in mind JTC 1 being a joint/IEC-Committee.
216   Gas detectors   To standardize general and specific requirements for the construction, safety, performance and testing for electrical apparatus for sensing the presence of gas or vapour and for providing an indication, alarm and/or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of explosion hazard, fire hazard or health hazard. The standardization work of TC 216 concerns domestic gas detectors and those industrial and commercial gas detectors that are not included in the scope of CLC/SC 31-9. To provide information and guidance, as appropriate, on the selection, installation and operation of such apparatus.
217   Electronic Design Automation (EDA)   To deal with the standardization in the area of Electronic Design Automation with emphasis on: - electronic system specification languages including hardware description languages; - interchange formats; - EDA frameworks; - common design interface between semiconductor technology suppliers and system houses. To ensure liaisons with other bodies active in Electronic Design Automation. Available documents of IEEE/DASS (concerning VHDL), ISO, IEC, ISO 184 SC 4 (concerning STEP), ANSI/EIA 548 (concerning EDIF), CFI (concerning CAD frameworks), and other relevant documents shall be taken into account. To contribute to other EDA standard activities. To advise the BT on harmonization in all matters concerning EDA and in particular results of IEC TC 93 (Design Automation).
218   Qualification of electrical installation contractors   To prepare a draft standard defining the characteristics and relevant general criteria and references for qualification of electrical contractors undertaking electrical power works, electronic and telecommunication works and other electrical installations, included under directive 93/37/EEC. The qualification will be general and will not be limited to a single contract application. It will also be possible to relate it to given types of contracts. To provide the input of CENELEC into the corresponding work of CEN under co-operation mode to be defined. Scope: The work of the technical committee will aim at the qualification of electrical contractors under application of directive 93/37/EEC.
219   [none]    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
BTTF 056-02 Low voltage fuses   To prepare a draft standard, based on IEC 60269-2-1 (Low voltage fuses for use by authorized persons) Remarks 57 BT referred the PQ results on IEC 60269-3 to BTTF 56-2. BTTF 56-2 finalized a CENELEC Report based on IEC 60269-2-1, which was in its final form approved by 75 BT. 76 BT decided to start 3MV on IEC 60269-2 and IEC 60269-3. 76 BT invited BTTF 56-2 to prepare a CENELEC report on the basis of IEC 60269-3-1.
BTTF 060-02 Electrical discharge lamp installations   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(DE/NOT)49 (Electric discharge lamp installations with nominal voltages exceeding 1000 V).
BTTF 060-03 [none:2001/3] <= Electrical equipment of non electrical cooking/heating appliances 【廃止:2000?】 To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(DE/NOT)66 (Electrical equipment of non-electric heated cooking and heating appliances).
BTTF 061-06 [none:2001] <= 【廃止:2000?】  
BTTF 062-03 Operation of electrical installations   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(DE/NOT)110 (Operation of power installations; Part 1: General Requirements). Remarks 67 BT decided that BTTF 62-3 should prepare a draft dealing with the broad (general) principles of operation of power installations and asked BTTF 62-3 to take into account the essential requirements of the directive on safety at the work place. 74 BT agreed to change the title of BTTF 62-3 into "Operation of Electrical Installations".
BTTF 062-08 Emergency lighting systems   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(IT/NOT)07 (Emergency lighting installations).
BTTF 063-02 Advanced Technical Ceramics   To perform the CENELEC part of the work programme for standards on Advanced Technical Ceramics, which was sent to CEC and EFTA.
BTTF 063-05 Static measuring relays   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(DE/NOT)114 (Electric relays; static measuring relays). Remarks 67 BT decided that the draft standard should be based on IEC 60255-6 and linked to the corresponding IEC publications only. 75 BT agreed that BTTF 63-5 should also endorse IEC 60255-3 and IEC 60255-8.
BTTF 064-01 [none:2001/3] <=    
BTTF 065-02 [Soabanded:Activity2001/2] <= Power Track Systems 【廃止 Activity:2001/2】 To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(GB/NOT)22 (Power track systems). Remarks 71 BT decided to allow an extension of the terms of reference to include 440 V - 3phase systems, max. 63 A. Remarks 71 BT decided to allow an extension of the terms of reference to include 440 V - 3 phase systems, max. 63 A.
BTTF 068-06 Physical characteristics of electrical energy (DISNORM 12)   To prepare a draft standard (based on DISNORM 12) concerning the physical characteristics of electrical energy supplied by LV and MV public distribution networks.
BTTF 069-03 Road traffic signal systems   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(DE/NOT)141 (Road traffic signal systems).
BTTF 071-02 Protection against corrosion due to stray currents from d.c. installations   To prepare a draft standard as described in BT(DE/NOT)117 (Protection against corrosion due to stray currents from d.c. installations). Note: Particular requirement for stray currents by d.c. traction are prepared by SC 9XC/WG C1.
BTTF 071-03 [none:2001/3] <= Infrared free air applications 【廃止:2000?】 To elaborate a prEN or prENV, showing the IR classes (restricted to 700 up to 1600 nm) and the first IR applications within these classes.
BTTF 074-01 Photoelectronic controls for road lighting   To prepare a draft standard, based on IS 428 (Photoelectronic controls for road lighting).
BTTF 076-03 Test schedules related to CENELEC Guide 17[Test schedules related to CENELEC memorandum 7]   To decide on the acceptance or rejection of proposed provisional test schedules, as described under subclause 4.2.1 of CENELEC Memorandum 7 : Procedure for the certification of products not fully covered by safety standards because of technical progress for use within the CENELEC Certification Agreement (CCA).
BTTF 083-02 [none:2001/3] <= Wind turbine systems 【廃止:2000?】 To prepare draft standards on wind turbine systems on the basis of a detailed work programme for the execution of the mandated tasks to be performed for the standardization in this field.
BTTF 086-02 [none:2001/3] <= Solar photovoltaic energy systems 【廃止:2000?】  
BTTF 088-01 Automatic operating analytical appliances including In-Vitro-Diagnostic Medical Devices   [---]
BTTF 091-03 Provisional title: Space equipment standardization   To ensure the CENELEC participation in the elaboration and subsequent execution of the standardization programme in the field of equipment for the space industry.
BTTF 095-01 Inspection of electrical installations in domestic accommodations   To prepare a draft for approval as an ES, on the basis of the AIE contribution "Inspection of electrical installations in domestic accommodations". Work to be done in close cooperation with CLC/TC 64.
BTTF 097-01 Known Good Die   To prepare standards of data requirement for unpackaged and minimally packaged semiconductor die, with or without connection structures. The requirements include those of general nature, vocabulary, mechanical material and connectivity. Specific requirements include test, quality, handling, thermal and electrical simulation.
BTTF 097-02 Thermal specification of electronic components   [---]
BTTF 101-03 Avionic equipment, systems and associated components   To perform the standardization work on avionic equipement, systems and associated components.
BTTF 109-03 Fuel cell gas appliances(Activity2001/2)   No standardization work registered(Activity2001/2)
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲
BTWG 070-01 Charging controls for storage heating appliances   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(BE/NOT)3 (Charging controls of storage heating appliances). Participation: BE + DE, IT, SE.
BTWG 070-03 [NONE:2001] <= 【廃止:2000?】  
BTWG 072-02 Metallic pipe and cable locators   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(GB/NOT)64 (Guide for the performance of metallic pipe and cable locators). Participation: GB + DE, FR.
BTWG 078-02 [none:2001] <= 【廃止:2000?】  
BTWG 079-01 Conversion adaptors for industrial use   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(IT/NOT)61. Participation: IT + FR, GB, SE. IT NC to address all NCs for possible participation.
BTWG 080-03 Database and electronic communications   - To advise BT on measures and procedures related to a more efficient use of modern data handling and on the gradual introduction of electronic data interchange in the daily operations of CENELEC. - To identify and access needs expressed by the persons responsible for CENELEC National Committee management in relation to the Central Secretariat database and associated communication facilities. - To assist the Central Secretariat: - in the preparation of specifications for the services offered to National Committees by Central Secretariat - in the development of these services - To help the Central Secretariat in defining guidelines for CENELEC's cooperation with multilateral and advisory groups such as ISO/IEC/ITU IT Strategic Group and AGC.
BTWG 083-01 On-line monitoring of metallic contamination in silicon wafers   To prepare a draft standard, as described in BT(IE/NOT)2 for measurement of metallic contamination in silicon wafers based upon novel photo-generated minority carrier electrical techniques.
BTWG 085-03 Environmental standardization   To promote activities in CENELEC relevant to minimising any detrimental impact of Electrotechnical activities on the natural environment. To communicate with and give advice to CENELEC BT and Technical Committees on questions relating to work on environmental issues with the aim of ensuring consistency in CENELEC standards, and to develop and promote guidance where relevant. BTWG 85-3 shall consider all aspects of the protection of the natural environment against detrimental impact from a product, a group of products, or a system, using electrical technology including electronics and communications. EMC and EMF aspects are excluded, but relevant developments will be noted. BTWG 85-3 shall work with IEC, CEN and the CENELEC co-operating partners and other organizations as appropiate for example, by encouraging the use of IEC Guide 109, 1995. Natural environment: attributes which affect the quality of life, such as water, air and soil quality, conservation of energy, and materials and avoidance of waste (as given in IEC Guide 109, 1995).
BTWG 093-01 Conductors cars   To prepare a draft standard as described in BT(DE/NOT)206 (conductor cars which are used for driving on conductors or earthing cables of high-voltage overhead lines - safety requirements and tests). Participation: DE + ES, GB, IT.
BTWG 095-02 Audit of CENELEC Technical Bodies   To define the principles and to propose the procedure for auditing technical bodies of CENELEC.
BTWG 099-01 Insulating oil   [---]
BTWG 099-02 Functional safety   To advise the CENELEC Technical Board (BT) on the functional safety issues related to Electrical, Electronic and Programmable Electronic (E/E/PE) safety related systems. This would include, in particular: - the preparation of a report on functional safety and its relation to the harmonised standards under the LVD in the context of its total safety approach. Target date: in due time for 102 BT consideration; - issues arising from the implementation of IEC 61508 series "Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety Related Systems" both as stand-alone standards and in relation to sectoral implementations of this series; - issues arising from standards developments within CENELEC relating to functional safety; - issues arising from the applicability of the LVD and other EC directives to functional safety and any consequential implications to CENELEC hamonised standards.
BTWG 100-01 Cab heaters for vehicles   [---]
BTWG 101-04 M/117 - Resistance to fire   To monitor the work and to offer guidance on common features relating to the CENELEC work programme in response to EC mandate M/117 on the evaluation of construction products and elements in respect of their resistance to fire.
BTWG 101-05 Usability and safety of electrical products with reference to people with special needs   - To prepare a CENELEC response to EC study mandates for the production of guidance documents in the field of safety and usability of electrical products with reference to people with special needs (e.g. children, elderly and people with disabilities). - To define general guidelines to ensure that Design for All and Assistive Technologies requirements are taken into account when performing standardization work in CENELEC. - To comment to the list of recommendations if appropriate. - To identify where CENELEC standardization is needed and define a work programme in response to the mandate.
BTWG 104-01 [none:2001/3] <= Railway rolling stock and material in general 【廃止:2000?】 [---]
BTWG 104-02 Firemans circuit breakers   [---]
BTWG 105-01 [none:2001/3] <= To be revised: Additional requirements for RCCBs with short time-delay -type G 【廃止:2000?】 To be revised: To prepare a draft standard on BT(AT/NOT)8.
BTWG 105-02 To be revised: Equipment for measuring electrical energy - Composition and accuracy   To be revised: To prepare a draft standard on BT(IT/NOT)69.
BTWG 108-01 BT management and procedures    
BTWG 108-02 Designation of measuring instruments    
BTWG 109-01 Electrocosmetic devices for professionnel use(Activity:2001/02)    
BTWG 109-02 Straight thermocouple thermometers(Activity2001/02)    
TC SC Name 補足 Top対象範囲

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