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Steve Perry Off the Record with Joe Benson (Part II)
December 24, 2000
Arrow 93.1 FM

Transcribed by
January 8th, 2001

Joe Benson: Gregg Rolie and guitarist Neal Schon first met in 1971 when Neal joined the band Santana which Gregg had co-founded with Carlos Santana three years earlier. By '72 both Gregg and Neal had left Santana. A year later the two were playing together again thanks to former Santana road manager Walter Herbie Herbert who added the two musicians to the line up of his new band "The Golden Gate Rhythm Section". Then as a result of a local radio station's Name The Band contest they changed their name to Journey and that's a fact. This is your Uncle Joe Benson. Journey's mostly instrumental debut album arrived in 1975. That album and the two that followed did moderately well. As a manager Herbie Herbert convinced the band to hire a strong lead singer ? a front man.  You see Gregg Rolie who had done some singing in his Santana days was also serving as Journey's vocalist at the time.  After one false start Journey found their front man in the form of Steve Perry and that's the story we will hear today Off-The-Record.

グレッグ・ローリーとギタリストのニール・ショーンは、1971年に初めて出会いました、グレッグが3年前にカルロス・サンタナと結成したバンドであるサンタナにニールが加入していたときでした。1972年には、グレッグとニールは、2人ともサンタナを離脱しました。1年後二人は、彼(ニールのこと?ハービーのこと?...)のニューバンド"The Golden Gate Rhythm Section"のラインナップに二人のミュージシャンを加えたサンタナのロード・マネージャー、ウォルター・ハービー・ハーバートのおかげで、再び一緒にプレイしていました。そのとき、地元のラジオ局のバンドのネーミングコンテストの結果から、彼らはバンド名をジャーニーに変えました、それは事実です。(実際は、事実ではありませんが....)ジョー・ベンソンです。大部分がインストゥルメンタルであるジャーニーのデビューアルバムは、1975年に届けられました。そのアルバム及び続けて出た2枚のアルバムは、セールスはそれほどでもありませんでした。(意訳しています。)マネージャーであるハービー・ハーバートは、バンドに強力なリード・シンガー、フロントマンを雇うように、バンドに説得しまいした。サンタナに在籍してたころから何曲か歌っていたグレッグ・ローリーが、その時ジャーニーのヴォーカリストとして歌っていたのはご存知でしょう。(意訳しています。)ほろ苦いスタートの後(意訳しています。)、ジャーニーは、スティーヴ・ペリーをフロントマンとして見つけました。そして、それは、私たちが今日OFF THE RECORDで聞くことのできるストーリーなのです。

[Music - Stone in Love]

JB: Before you were approached by Journey or before you approached them you were in another band here in Los Angeles weren't you?


Steve Perry: Yea, It was about 1977. It was the latest incarnation of my musical desires at that point. I had a lot of groups before this one but this one was the one that we called the Alien Project before the movie came out ya know. That was sort of a running name.  Chrysalis was a record label at the time very interested and so was Columbia records and that's what I was in・・・yea.

うん、それは1977年ごろのことだったんだ。その当時、僕の音楽アイディアをまさに具体化しようとしてた時だったんだ。(また意訳しています。)僕は、このバンドにいる前はたくさんのバンドに在籍してたよ。まあこのバンドっていうのが、知ってのとおり、映画化される前だけど、Alien Projectって呼んでたバンドなんだ。(AlienProjectという映画がのちにできたっていうこと??)まさに、走り出そうとしてたバンド名だね。Chrysalisは、その当時、大変に興味も持ってくれたレーベルだったよ、Columbiaもそうだったけどね(桃色部分、訳わからず)

JB: Were you approached by members of Journey or did you happen to see them?


SP: No, what happened was a demo that we had recorded that got those two labels interested in signing the group. Unfortunately the bass player got killed in a car accident July 4th weekend. And that particular demo drifted through Columbia's hands up to the management of Journey. It was kind of unbenounced to me that that happened and I was pretty much ready to give up my quest to be a singer in the music business. 
My mother encouraged me as she always did to hang in there and I had already closed my apartment down and said I was coming back home and ..uh.. shortly after that I got a phone call from Michael Dilbeck and Don Ellis who were running the west coast at the time and they said we have this group called Journey . We are really sorry to hear what happened to your bass player but I think that you would be a welcome addition to the band. Would you like to meet with them? And shortly thereafter I did meet with them and then I became a singer.

いや、まず何があったかっていうと、2つのレーベルに、グループ(Alien Projectとしてでしょう)として契約したいという興味も持たせたのは、僕たちがレコーディングしたデモだったんだ。でも不運にも、ベースプレーヤー(リチャード・マイケルズのこと)が、7月の第4週の週末に自動車事故で、亡くなってしまったんだ。 で、そのデモは、コロンビアレコードを通して、ジャーニーのマネージメントに渡ったんだ。(桃色部分、訳不可能−unbenounced という単語の意味が不明−辞書にありませんでした。)で、僕は、音楽ビジネス界で、シンガーになるんだということを諦める気持ちが少し出ていたんだ。
僕の母は、僕をいつものように励ましてくれたよ。僕はすでにアパートを出てたから、家に帰ってくるように言ったよ。それで...うーん...その後まもなくして、僕は、その当時ウェスト・コースで働いていたMichael Dilbeck と Don Ellisから電話をもらったんだ。で、彼らは、"僕たちは、ジャーニーっていうグループをマネージメント
(という意味に捉えてみました。)してる。君のところのベースプレイヤーに起こった出来事を聞いて、本当に残念に思っているけど、でも君はジャーニーに加わることを歓迎されていると思う。"って言ってもらったんだ。 君は、彼ら(ジャーニーのメンバー???)と会ったかい?で、僕は彼らにあって、すぐに(ジャーニーのシンガーになったんだ。

[Music - Wheel In The Sky]

JB: Legend has it the second song you wrote with the guys or at least co-wrote with Neal was Lights. Did he have the riff worked up on that or?


SP: I had the song written .. this is kind of a funny story. But I had the song written in Los Angeles almost completely except for the bridge and it was written about Los Angeles. It was when the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on LA I didn't like the way it sounded (laughs) at the time.
 And so I just had it sitting back in the corner. Then when this whole thing changed, life changed my plans once again, and now facing joining Journey. The Bay fit so nice. When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay
・・・ya know. It was one of those early morning going across the bridge things when the sun was coming up and the lights were going down. It was perfect.

僕は、この曲を書いたんだけど...これは、おかしな話でね。ほとんど完璧にブリッジ(ベイブリッジのこと??ですよね...)のことは除いてるんだけど、ロサンゼルスでこの曲を書いたんだ。まさに、ロサンゼルスのことを書いたんだ。それは、"when the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on LA"だったんだけど、その当時僕は、それをsoundedする方法が好きじゃなかったんだ。(笑)
(??意味がやはりよくつかめません。)僕は、サンフランシスコが大好きだ、入り江も、何もかもね。"The Bay"がうまくフィットしたよ。知ってのとおり、"When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay"だ。(桃色部分、訳不可能)それは、完璧だったよ。

(コメント)Lights/ライツは、当初歌詞が違っていたという話みたいです。"When the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on LA...."だったみたいですね....

[Music - Lights]

JB: By the time Steve Perry joined Journey the band already started work on what would be there fourth album. 1978's Infinity...



JB: Steve Perry had already decided to pack in his music career when the call came in from Journey. And it wasn't till after he did a bit of soul searching and had a heart-to-heart talk with his grandfather who pointed out that Steve was unemployed and could really use a job, that he accepted Journey's offer. 
Steve Perry joined the Journey line up in 1977. And actually did some songwriting with Neal Schon and Gregg Rolie before even stepping foot on stage with the band. He finally made his live debut at the last performance of Journey's three-night stand at San Francisco's old Waldorf in late 1977.

彼は、1977年末に、サンフランシスコのOld Waldorf で3夜連続で、ついにジャーニーとしてのライブデビューを果たしました。

SP: They did have me perform after we had written a couple of things. At a place that was called the Old Waldorf. And I think that was when they were testing the water because they had a certain following as a fusion oriented group at that point.
And they were making a conscious musical change but they were testing the waters to see how people would or wouldn't accept me.So I did one show with them at the Waldorf, that was a frightening show because I was (laughs) thrown out in front of the die-hard fans who didn't want to see nobody out there ya know. But it went over pretty good and slowly the transition starting making change and we wrote more songs, finished the Infinity album actually.

僕たちは、2、3曲書いたあと、彼らは僕にライブをやらせてくれたんだ。Old Waldorfという場所でね。それで、彼らは分析をしていた時だったと僕は思ってるよ。だって、彼らは、その時点ではフュージョン・オリエンテッド・グループとして認知されていたからね。

[Music - Just The Same Way]

JB: The Infinity tour went on for 9 months or whatever, and then it was time to record Evolution. Had you been writing the songs on the road? Or was it like, the tour is done let's take off two days and I'll me you down at the (studio).

インフィニティー・ツアーは、9ヶ月もの間、とにかく続きました。そして、"Evolution/エヴォルーション"のレコーディングするに至りました。 インフィニティー・ツアーは、9ヶ月もの間、とにかく続きました。そして、"Evolution/エヴォルーション"のレコーディングするに至りました。あなたは、ロードに出ているときも、曲を書いていたのですか?(桃色部分、訳不可能)

SP: No, the Infinity tour went on for 185 shows back-to-back. I mean I remember those days. It wasn't like one on one off, two on, one off. We're talking five on, one off , four on one off. I remember getting home. I didn't even have an apartment.
 I knew I was going off, ya know, on the Kittyhawk, to sea,
that's what it felt like to me, I was on board ship. I remember getting back to my mom's house for Christmas because we did break for a week for Christmas. Right after that we just went and started writing the next one.

いや、インフィニティー・ツアーでは、185のショーをこなしてきたからね。(以前のインタビューでは178と答えているが...)あの頃のことを振り返ることに、意味のあることだよ。(桃色部分 訳不可能)僕は、帰路につこうとしてたことを思い出すよ。 ちょうど、僕は部屋を引き払っててたんだ。
(桃色部分 訳不可能)僕は、船上にいたね。クリスマスのは、母の家に帰ったことも覚えてるよ。クリスマスには、1週間の間過ごしていたからね。その直後、僕たちはまた出かけ、次のアルバムの曲作りをスタートさせたんだ。

[Music - Lovin Touchin Squeezin]

JB: When did it occur to you that songs like Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin and Too Late for that matter, people had no idea what you were talking about but still were placing things of their lives and using your songs as a soundtrack for that.

そのことなら、"Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'/ラヴィン・タッチン・スクイージン"とか"Too Late/トゥー・レイト"にような曲があなたに思い浮かんだとき、ファンは、あなたが何を言わんとしていたとかという考えがありませんでしたが、でも彼らの生活として捉えていましたし、あなたの曲をそのためにサウンドトラックとして使おうとしていたのです。

SP: That is an interesting thing. You can only go inside yourself and draw which you feel it's coming from but when the lyrics finally get written and you finally sing it and it's finished. You're right some of the bigger songs have multiple meanings to multiple people. That can be a wonderful thing. 
It can fit their own little movie situation they're going through at the time and sometimes it can mean other things to people entirely which can be a little frightening.


JB: Departure was another album, the third album in a row and you had also toured for a thousand dates.


SP: Oh yea. We were the hardest touring band. We would stay out there. I came back to my mom's house another time cause I didn't have an apartment yet because I'm still on tour. Ya know. 
I parked my car in the garage and I remember the phone rang one Christmas again, and I leaped out of bed and ran down the hall thinking I was late for the bus. 
I mean it was so ? then I would reach to the phone and dial 9 for a line out. (Laughs) I knew that I had been on the road too long.


[Music - Anyway You Want It]

JB: Steve Perry and Neal Schon co-wrote Anyway You Want It on their bus during the Evolution tour. The Departure album was released in 1980.The band at the time said the record title signaled leaving their older material behind and heading into the 80's.

スティーヴ・ペリーとニール・ショーンは、エヴォルーション・ツアーの最中に、ツアーバスで、"Anyway You Want It/お気に召すまま"を書き上げました。ディパーチャーは、1980年にリリースされました。その時、バンドは、レコードタイトルが示しているとおり、彼らの古いマテリアルから離れて、80年代の先頭に立っていくんだと語っていました。

JB: During the Departure tour, original Journey member Gregg Rolie officially announced his departure from the band.The 1981 live album called Captured which featured two new Journey songs was recorded during March and April of 1980 on the Departure World Tour. 
It was dedicated to the memory of the band's good friend AC/DC singer Bon Scott who died as Journey's departure tour was just ending. One of the new songs on the live record, The Party's Over/Hopelessly In Love who Steve Perry wrote on Ross Valory's bass backstage at Detroit's Cobalt Hall was released as a single. But it stalled out in the 30's on the single's chart when "Who's Cryin Now" was released from Journey's next studio album Escape.

それは、ジャーニーのディパーチャー・ツアーがちょうど終了したときになくなった、バンドのよき友AC/DCのシンガー、ボン・スコットをしのんで、ささげられたものでした。ライブレコードに収録の新曲の1つ、デトロイトのコバルト・ホールのロス・ヴァロリーのベース・バックステージでペリーが書き上げた"The Party's Over/ブルー・スカイ・パーティー"は、シングルとしてリリースされました。しかしその曲は、"Who'sCryingNow/クライング・ナウ"が、ジャーニーの次のスタジオアルバム"Escape/エスケイプ"からリリースされたときは、もうシングル・チャートの30位内にありませんでした。

[Music - Who's Cryin Now]

JB: When you were recruited for Journey Gregg Rolie had handled all the lead vocals up to that time.Did you get along with him well(?).  Or was there a week or two it took to work in(?). Because you guys, when you shared lead vocals that was special as well.


SP: In the very beginning I have to tell you that Gregg Rollie was the guy who took me under his wing.  I had nowhere to stay in the Bay area and he put me in a downstairs bedroom of his house. While we were writing and recording the Infinity record him and I would drive everyday to San Francisco to the studio. 
He was like a really supportive guy and really was positively behind the idea of me being in the band. At some point in time I don't know what happened but at some point in time I think we did become professionally competitive.
 That was just bound to happen I guess on both fronts. But I tell ya he really did take me under his wing in the beginning  because I was the new kid and he gave me a lot of strength and support. 
I think he had had enough of the road, I remember in Germany, I'll never forget where he actually told us that he was gonna leave the group when we got back to the states. He would do a few more shows then he wanted to have a family. Those were real things that he wanted to do and he did. That's' when we found Jonathan Cain. 
In fact he helped us pick Jonathan Cain as his replacement.  He said you should check this guy out.


[Music - Open Arms]

JB: Very few people in the music business get to hook up with somebody that they click with in a song-writing basis the way you and Neal did. There was a magic about that. I don't know if you were aware of it as it was happening or not.


SP: I don't think so, honestly I don't think so.


JB: For as much as you were working, you never had time to set back and reflect on it. Then Jonathan Cain comes into the band an Zap you gotta second time around. (訳不可能)

SP: Right. Well what happened was Jon is a really great songwriter, so when you bring another great songwriter into that・・・ We had sort of a three-way thing going where Jon and I would do something, Neal would bring in a bridge, or Neal and I would do something, and Jon would do the lyrics.
Depending upon what was lacking it seemed like either both would finish or a third would come in and finish the pie. Because of it, it stepped to another level, it really did.


[Music - Separate Ways]

JB: By the time the Escape World Tour had ended in 1982, Journey had been touring non-stop for years. Taking brief breaks to record albums , not fully realizing their burnt state of mind. The band took a very short three-month break before going to work on what became their Frontiers album.


SP: At that point we had worked so hard . I think that we were, as a group, seeing so much of each other. We had made some money, we were actually starting to run into some conflicts which would just be normal. That's what happens in bands. But I must tell you that the Frontiers record was absolutely made with all the same strength and with all the mission the group had in the Escape record. In the middle of that Frontiers tour , maybe before the tour, definitely at the end of the tour, we were pretty stressed and I was burnt.


JB: Separate Ways was inspired by both the divorces of Neal Schon and bassist Ross Valory. The song was written by Steve Perry and keyboardist, Jonathan Cain in a single afternoon.In fact Perry and Cain co-wrote almost every song on the Frontiers album leaving Neal with co-writing credits on less than half the material. By the time the Frontiers tour ended in 1983 Journey had performed for some 2 million fans in 72 cities. A national gallop poll at the time named Journey the most popular band in America and that most popular band was in dire need of a real vacation.

"Separate Ways/セパレイト・ウェイズ"は、ニール・ショーンとベースのロス・ヴァロリーの二人の離婚から、インスパイアされました。その曲は、ある日の午後、スティーヴ・ペリーとキーボードプレイヤー、ジョナサン・ケインによって書かれました。事実、ペリーとケインは"Frontiers/フロンティアーズ"では、ほとんどの曲を手がけ、ニールがクレジットされたのは半分以下でした。(???)フロンティアーズ・ツアーが、1983年に終了したとき、ジャーニーは、72の都市で200万人のファンのために、ツアーをしていました。その時のナショナル・ギャロップの投票では、ジャーニーは、アメリカで最も人気の高いバンドとして位置づけられましたが、バンドは、本当の休息を必要としていたのです。

JB: It took Journey three years to release a follow-up to Frontiers. During that three-year period Steve Perry released his successful solo album Street Talk.  Original bassist Ross Valory quit the band and both Perry and Jonathan Cain dealt with personal crisis. Perry lost his mother and Cain suffered through a divorce. It took the band two years and two tries to finish what would be 1986's Raised on Radio. And because Steve Perry helmed the production the concept album sound was radically different from the past records. Nevertheless, Raised on Radio went on to sell over two million copies and after the tour ended in 1987 Journey officially went their Separate Ways.

フロンティアーズの次のアルバムのリリースまでに、ジャーニーは3年を要していました。3年の期間に、スティーヴ・ペリーは、成功を収めたというソロアルバム"Street Talk/ストリート・トーク"をリリースしました。オリジナル・ベースプレイヤーのロス・ヴァロリーはバンドを離れ、ペリーとジョナサン・ケインの二人は、個人的な問題に直面していました。ペリーは、母親を失い、ケインは離婚の危機を乗り越えました。バンドは、1986年の"Raised On Radio/レイズド・オン・レイディオ"の製作が終わるのに2年かかりました。(意訳してます。)それはなぜなら、スティーヴ・ペリーがそのアルバムを製作の指揮を執ったからで、過去のアルバムとは根本的に違っていました。それでも、"Raised On Radio/レイズド・オン・レイディオ"は、200万枚以上を売り上げ、そして1987年のツアー終了後、ジャーニーは正式に解散しました。

[Music - Send Her My Love]

JB: I heard Send Her My Love is your favorite song?


SP: It's one of my favorites. You know it's hard because as I look back now boy I'm really proud of everything the band accomplished when we were together. Send Her My Love is one of my favorites. It's cinematic, it's got some kind of visuals to it, a little more than most. In the sound of the instruments, the feel of the drums, the character of the voice and the echoes. 

それは、僕のお気に入りの1つだよ。君も知ってのとおり、今振り返ってみると、ハードだったよ。無論僕たちが一緒だったとき、全ての面でバンドは完成されたという誇りをもっているんだけどね。"Send Her My Love/マイ・ラブ"は、僕のお気に入りの1つだね。それは映画だし、それ以上に、ある種映像的なものなんだよ。(すいません...よく分かりませんでしたが...)楽器の音、ドラムの感触、声やエコーの特徴とか。僕には、映画のサウンドのようなものさ。

JB: When people think of Journey. First off what they think of is the music and what it meant in their lives. On another level they think what was the band , what did the band mean. What thought would you like to put in their mind.


SP: Journey was not just me. Journey was an entity bigger than the pieces. It was the sum of the parts that made this bigger entity. 
When we were at our biggest peak there was such a lot of conversation at that point that groups didn't have too much identity. Which I found very, very disturbing because I've always felt and still do that Journey had it's own identity.
I would like to see it remembered for a group, the incarnation of myself and the guys as a group that had honest, honest heart-felt music. That really came from aggressive angst and passionate heart and all the stuff in between.


[Music - Don't Stop Believin]

JB: Journey reunited in 1996 and released the Trial By Fire Album however, that reunion was cut short when Steve Perry's degenerative hip condition kept the band off the road. Journey split with Perry and continued on with another singer, Steve Augeri. After a couple of delays their first album together will be out next month. 
As for Steve Perry, during three days of California Speedway for the car champion series of the Nascar crashman truck series season finales, Steve told me he has been getting into motor-sports a real lot. Has been writing and recording some demos but has no plans at this time to launch into anything formal. He's "too busy enjoying life" ? right so!

ジャーニーは、1996年に再結成され、"Trial By Fire"をリリースしましたが、スティーヴ・ペリーの腰の状態が、バンドをロードに出られない状態をもたらしたとき、そのリユニオンはあっけなく終わってしまいました。ジャーニーは、ペリーと離れ、別のシンガー、スティーヴ・オージェリーと活動を続けました。遅れましたが、彼らの最初の(新しいラインナップでの)アルバムは、来月(2001年1月:実際は4月)リリースされるでしょう。
スティーヴ・ペリーと言えば、Nascar crashman トラック・シリーズ・シーズン・ファイナルズのカー・チャンピオン・シリーズがカリフォルニア・スピードウェイで開催されましたが、3日間の期間中に、スティーヴは、モータースポーツに本当に熱心に入れ込んでいるということを私に話してくれました。何曲か書いてデモを製作していたようですが、この時点では何かをやる計画はないとのことです。彼いわく、"人生を楽しむのに、あまりにも忙しいよ"。まさにそのとおりですね。

Joe Benson



Steve Perry Support Page

E_Mail : k-ichihashi@mug.biglobe.ne.jp