東 寺
TOUJI TEMPLE 平安遷都の際に創建された官寺の一つで、正しくは教王護国寺という。空海が五重塔を建立したのち、歴代天皇や足利家の庇護を受けて隆盛を極めるが、徳政一揆のために一時荒廃。のちに豊臣・徳川家の援助を受けて再興を果たした。密教美術の宝庫と言われるほど寺宝が多く、宝物館には8200点余の国宝・重文が収められている。高大な境内には国宝の金堂や、大師堂五重塔などが立ち並ぶ。高さ57mの国宝五重塔は、古塔では日本最大のもの。近年はライトアップされて、夜も美しい姿が鑑賞できる。 This temple was originally built in 794 by Emperor Kanmu as protection for the city. In 823, Emperor Saga offered the temple to Priest Kukai. It became the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism. In spite of repeated fires, the unusual Hakkyakumon Gate and the Kita Daimon Gate have stood since the Kamakura period. The Kondo Hall, a National Treasure, was rebuilt by Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and houses the impressive Yakushi Sanzon status, Important Cultural Property, there are 21 statues of the Buddha, 15 of which are designated National Treasures. The famous five-storied pagoda, also a National Treasure, was rebuilt by Iemitsu Tokugawa, third Edo shogun, and is the tallest in Japan. It is said to represent both Toji teple and the whole city of Kyoto.There is a flea market here on the 21st of each month,which is visited by crowds of Japanese and tourists. |
アクセス:東寺東門バス停からすぐ 拝観時間:9:00〜16:30 拝観料:500円 駐車場:40台 TEL (075) 671-9612 |