高 山 寺(世界遺産)
高山寺 KOSAMJI TEMPLE 国宝の石水院、本尊釈迦如来像を安置する金堂、開山堂がある。石水院では国宝「鳥獣人物戯画」の複製が見学できる。日本の茶のルーツとなったという茶園が残る。
Kōzan-ji (高山寺), or Toganoo-san Kōzan-ji (栂尾山高山寺), is an Omuro Buddhist temple located in Ume-ga-hata Toganoo-chō, Ukyō Ward, Kyoto, Japan. The temple was founded by famous monk Myōe and is renowned for its numerous national treasures and important cultural properties, in particular the famous picture scroll called Chōjū-giga. The temple celebrates Biyakkōshin, Zenmyōshin and Kasuga Myōjin, as well as the temple's tutelary Shintō deity. In 1994, it was registered as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto".
アクセス:JRバス栂ノ尾から徒歩3分 拝観時間:9:00〜17:00 拝観料:境内無料 石水院は600円 駐車場:なし TEL (075) 861-4204 |