広 隆 寺
KOURYUUJI TEMPLE 豪族の秦氏が聖徳太子から賜った仏像を祀るために建立した寺で、山城最古の古刹。弥勒菩薩像「宝冠弥勒」は国宝第一号。境内には聖徳太子を祀る本堂、重文の講堂、国宝の桂宮院本堂などが並ぶ。 It is believed that this temple was built by Kawakatsu Hata in 603 to enshrine a statue of the Buddha donated by Prince Shotoku. The temple possesses many statues, architectural pieces, and documents, some of which have been designated National Treasures. The first National Treasure of Japan, the Miroku Bosatsu, is in this temple. It is an exremely moving statue, which represents the Buddha siting with his right leg crossed and resting on his left, in the act of contemplation. |
アクセス:京福太秦駅からすぐ 拝観時間:9:00〜17:00 拝観料:無料 駐車場:100台 TEL (075) 861-1461 |