北 野 天 満 宮
KITANO TENMANGU SHRINE 当宮は菅原道真公をお祀りした神社の宗祀であり、国を鎮め守る神として平安時代中期多治比文子らによって北野の右近馬場に菅原道真公の御霊をお祀りしたのが始まりとされています。菅公は「和魂漢才」の精神を以って学問に勤しまれ、幼少の頃より文才を表し、朝廷の官吏として活躍されました。永延元年(987)一条天皇の令により初めて勅祭が執り行われ「北野天満宮天神」の神号を得ました。寛弘元年(1004)の一条天皇の行幸を初めてとし、代々皇室の御崇敬を受け、江戸時代には寺子屋の精神的中心として菅公の御分霊がお祀りされるなど、「天神様」として親しまれ、以来学問の神様としての信仰は現在に至るまで受け継がれています。
This shrine enshrines Michizane Sugawara , who because of his great learning during his lifetime is worshipped as the patron of learning. Michizane was first especially favored by Emperor Uda, who bestowed great trust in governmental affairs upon him. But later he was exiled to Kyushu because of slander and died in exile in 903. After his death, severe earth-quakes and thunderstorms did constant damage in the home provinces, and it was thought commonly that these were the result of his wrath. The Imperial Court granted him the post-humous title of Karai TenJin, or God of Fire and Thunder ;because of the increasingly large number of his slanderers and their families who met with expected disaster, his power was more and more feared by the Court and the common people. |
アクセス:市バス北野天満宮前下車 拝観時間:9:00〜17:00 拝観料:無料 TEL (075) 461-0005 |