神 護 寺




Jingo-ji (神護寺?) is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. It stands on Mount Takao to the northwest of the center of the city. The temple adheres to Shingon Buddhism. Its honzon is a statue of Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Healing or "Medicine Buddha".The temple was established in the year 824, as a merger of two private temples founded earlier by Wake no Kiyomaro. They were the Jingan-ji (神願寺) in Kiyomaro's home province and the Takaosan-ji (高雄山寺).Jingo-ji holds sixteen National Treasures of Japan.[1] They include the honzon and other statues. Another treasure is a list written by Kukai in 812 called the "Name List of Abhiseka [Initiates]" (灌頂歴名 kanjōrekimyō?) and displays some of Kukai's talent for calligraphy. This list contains people and deities in 812 who underwent the Abhiseka ritual at Takaosan-ji, presided by Kukai.Buildings at Jingo-ji have been destroyed by fire and war. Of the original buildings, only the Daishi-dō survived the Ōnin War;[1] even the present Daishi-dō is of uncertain date. Itakura Katsushige, a daimyo and former Kyoto shoshidai in the Tokugawa shogunate, commissioned a major reconstruction in 1623. Another reconstruction took place in the 1930s with a contribution from Gendō Yamaguchi. Present structures include the following:





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