Boxwood calm

contributed by Wind [2002/07/12]

Boxwood is Japanese traditional material for calm. Boxwood comb has an advantage to protect static electricity, so that it smoothes your hair very well without damage.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun (2002/07/08) says that quantity of static electricity on boxwood comb made in Kushitome(Nagoya, Japan) is only about 1/60 times less than that on plastic bomb which is processed to protect static electricity. It takes at least 5, sometimes 10 years for Kushitome to make a boxwood comb. Processes are to dry boxwood comb in the shade, smoke dry, file off, sandpaper and polish up with Tokusa[note]. Owner of Kushitome says that mass-produced combs have rough surface and it shaves your hair.

[note]Tokusa is a name of plant belong to the fern family
