Product Information


‚PDFe-Si-Al Alloy

Our company manufactures and markets magnetic head cores made with a Fe-Si-Al alloy, also known as Sendust. It has a high magnetic flux density, high permeability, resistant to wear and is widely used for heads of magnetic card readers/writers, banknote identifiers, and audio-visual equipment.

The properties of the alloys in our Sendust are as follows:


Properties of Fe-Si-Al alloy
@ Direct current
Alternating current
Hardness @
Material ‚a10i‚fj ‚g‚ƒ ƒΚe(1‚‹) ƒΚe(100‚‹) Hv Features
‚r‚x ‚P‚P‚T‚O‚O ‚OD‚O‚S ‚S‚O‚O‚O ‚R‚O‚O ‚S‚S‚O High magnetic flux density
‚e ‚V‚X‚O‚O ‚OD‚O‚Q ‚P‚U‚O‚O‚O ‚V‚O‚O ‚S‚W‚O High permeability
‚u ‚U‚T‚O‚O ‚OD‚O‚Q ‚P‚R‚O‚O‚O ‚U‚W‚O ‚S‚T‚O High corrosion resistance
‚a‚l ‚X‚X‚O‚O ‚OD‚O‚Q ‚P‚S‚O‚O‚O ‚U‚T‚O ‚T‚P‚O High wear resistance
‚m‚a ‚P‚O‚O‚O‚O ‚OD‚O‚Q ‚P‚R‚O‚O‚O ‚U‚Q‚O ‚T‚O‚O High permeability
‚j‚k ‚P‚P‚O‚O‚O ‚OD‚P‚P ‚P‚W‚O‚O ‚Q‚R‚O ‚S‚P‚O High magnetic flux density and corrosion resistance

¦#1. Measurement by induction method. The ƒΚrings used have 10 mm outside diameter and 6 mm inside diameter, with a thickness of 1.0 mm for DC measurements and 0.2 mm for AC measurements.
#2. The values shown in the table are central values, not guaranteed minimum values.

#3D Mearsureing load 10kg


Example of a Sendust magnetic head core

‚QDOther Products

Spacers for Sendust head cores (non-magnetic manganese steel)

Precision machining for grinding of ultra-hard materials such as ferrite, cemented carbide, ceramic, samarium cobalt (see below)

Examples of other machined items

