その2米国ハムモールス試験撤廃決定?! ( No.1 ) |
- 日時: 2006/12/19 22:26:36
- 名前: yyy
- ↓追加のQ&Aを見ると、若干日本と異なり資格要件がややこしいのですが、4アマ→3アマみたいになるような感じ。ただし、周波数制限やCWが使える周波数に出れるようになるみたいですね。後半に、CWのテクニックは上級(上級で出れる周波数制限があるため)
になるほど必要という趣旨のQ&Aあり。モールスコードが試験にないだけで、後の上級資格の制限は変わらないようです。 Q. I am a "no-code" Technician. What does WT Docket 05-235 mean to me?
A. Once the changes are in effect, all Technician licensees -- whether or not they have passed a Morse code examination -- will have "Tech Plus" operating privileges. This means you will have all of your current VHF/UHF and above frequencies and also will have access to the Novice/Technician Plus frequencies on HF. These include:
3525-3600 kHz CW only
7025-7125 kHz CW only
21,025-21,200 kHz CW only
28,000-28,300 kHz CW, RTTY and Data
28,300-28,500 kHz CW, SSB
The power limit is 200 W PEP output for Technician operators.
Technicians can upgrade to General by passing the Element 3 written exam and to Amateur Extra by also passing the Element 4 written exam. No Morse code test will be required.