Introduction of getting of radio license

The license has been acquired one by one by a step-up method.
Amateur Third-Class Radio Operator →Amateur Second-Class Radio Operator → Amateur First-Class Radio Operator I passed first time all of the three license in only one year.
On-the-Ground I-Category Special Radio Operator → Second-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-the- Ground Services → First-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-the-Ground Services I passed first time all of the three license in only one year.

Amateur four-Class Radio Operator
When I was the first grader in the junior high school,I opened a Amateur radio station in April, 1981. At that time, my father was doing the amateur radio. When I am an elementary school,I was making an easy electric circuit. When I am the sixth grader in the elementary school,I took an examination of a wireless examination. I was going to receive the lesson from father. But As for the examination that my father had taken, there were a lot of content of the vacuum tube. The age was a content of the transistor. After all, the lesson was not received to me by father. I could do nothing but study it by oneself by short-wave broadcasting. I received it on TORIO 9R59.However, the sensitivity of it was bad. Therefore, I forcibly received it with SSB MODE of father's FT-101ZSD.I tried to take an examination in the spring of the sixth grader in the elementary school. However, the examination day was the same day as the school excursion.In an adventitious thing, the examination place is Sendai City. The school excursion is Sendai City too. I selected the school excursion. I took an examination of the next test(Autumn of the sixth grader in elementary school),and I passed. I do not remember the way of study. Because I am a story when I am a child.

Amateur Third,Second,First-Class Radio Operator

I was working at Yamagata Prefecture. I had to work more than 1995 at Tokyo. Because the company directed it.I wanted a high-class license from former. I bought a wireless reference book. But I was not able to concentrate,and I thought the remembrance of the Morse code to be impossible. I did not like to memorize it without the reason since the student. But I wanted a high-class license from former.Amateur The examination of third-Class Radio Operatoris is executed in Tokyo once a month. I thought execution twice a year before that. I had the chance that was able to be taken an examination once a month. I was convinced that the morse code had to do the lesson by pulling out the reason. The practice place of Morls are at the time of walking on the way by going to the office,bathroom and living room. We cannot write on paper in the bathroom.I wrote the character on the wall in the bathroom. We cannot write on paper at the time of walking.I wrote the character in the thigh at the time of walking.I studied a past question ten times. I passed first time all of the three license in only one year.

Impression of examination
 I arrived at the examination room the examination of 2- ama first. I arrived at the examination room the examination of 1- ama second.(I arrived about two hours ago. I think that I am too early at now.I had the wish to have passed too much. )I felt it by examining Morls test. It is that the sound echoed. You should practice Morls without the headphone.You should practice in big room and at the speaker at the remote position. The practice with the bath was useful.

On-the-Ground I-Category Special Radio Operator

After having gotten 1- ama license, I wanted a professional license. ButI had to move from Tokyo to Yamagata Prefecture.And I was inspected 1kW radio station. There was no room at time. I became andifferent office in the company. A different office is an office related to the mobile phone. I was going to take an examination of the On-the-Ground I-Category Special Radio Operator license. I saw the reference book. But it had been described that a multiple wireless etc. did not understand in its book. I thought that I could do nothing but study by pulling out the reason. I studied a past question many times.I studied for one month only on holiday. Because my time of coming home of the weekday is slow.I studied a past question five times.
I was uneasy while examining it. I did the self evaluation at the time of the examination. It was a level by which it was able to pass just. I returned to the house. And I self-graded it by the reference book.Most they were correct answers. I got the medical certificate of a necessary doctor for the license application at time when the result did not come. I was worried until the result came. The notification of acceptance reached. And I was relieved. I think that it is possible to pass if everyone solves a past question with understanding. I started the study of the Second-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-the- Ground Services license on the next day of examination.

It is a reference book that I used.
□無線従事者国家試験問題回答集 第一級陸上特殊無線技士(電気通信振興会)
musenjyujisya-kokkasiken-mondaisyu daiikkyuu-rikujyou-tokusyu-musengisi/denkitusinsinkoukai

Second-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-the- Ground Services
I started the study of the Second-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-the- Ground Services license on the next day of examination. I was uneasy though I came to be able to solve a past question. Because I thought. As for a recent question, there are a lot of new questions. When examining it, I became uneasy. It is because there was a question that had not been seen. However, the hint was concealed. Even if I did not understand, I was able to solve it by progressing the formula. I learnt for the first time on that day of the examination that It changed from the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications into the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications. I passed. I wanted to take an examination of the first class and the second class. I wanted to avoid the company becoming absent for as much as four days. I think that you may take an examination from the On-the-Ground I-Category Special Radio Operator. A multiple radio technique and the micro wave were made ”On-the-Ground I-Category Special Radio Operator” study easy to understand.

It is a reference book that I used.
□無線従事者国家試験問題回答集 第二級陸上無線技術士(電気通信振興会)

 ・・・It is a past question collection. I think that if all questions can be solved, it is possible to pass.
□合格精選300題 二陸技(東京電機大学出版局)
 goukaku-seisen 300dai 2rikugi/tokyoudenkidaigaku-shuppankyoku
 ・・・The question is settled to it in the category. You should start studying with this book when not confident.

First-Class Technical Radio Operator for On-the-Ground Services
After Golden Week had ended, I started studying. (The examination is July.) This study method also solved a past question. I became busy on business in June. The overtime hour exceeded 100 hours in one month. It became not busy in July. I studied rushing it. I did not leave it on the way when I excluded regulations while examining it. I solved the question to the last minute by the use of all time. As a result of the self evaluation, radio engineering A very limit in 78 points.

It is a reference book that I used.
□無線従事者国家試験問題回答集 第一級陸上無線技術士(電気通信振興会)
  ・・・It is a past question collection. I think that if all questions can be solved, it is possible to pass.
□合格精選300題 一陸技 (東京電機大学出版局)
 ・・・I used it to go through a warm-up. I cannot pass with only this book .
□1・2陸技受験教室 @/A/B/C(東京電機大学出版局)
 ・・・I cannot comment. Because it did not use it so much .

It links with a wireless license site. JG1WUQ Homepage


JE7CLZ Home Page


Amateur radio



資格名 操作範囲概要 取得年月
電気通信主任技術者(伝送交換) 電気通信事業者の監督 2006/02
工事担任者(AI・DD総合種) 電気通信工事の監督 2008/02
情報通信エンジニア 電気通信工事の監督 2008/02

職業訓練指導員 指導方法の試験時、暗記した内容はこちら


資格名 操作範囲概要 取得年月
全ての無線設備の技術操作(最大送信電力制限なし) 2001年11月
第二級陸上無線技術士 無線設備の技術操作(周波数、空中線電力に制限あり) 2001年3月
第一級陸上特殊無線技士 陸上の無線局の多重無線設備の技術操作 2000年11月




資格名 操作範囲概要 取得年月
第一級アマチュア無線技士 アマチュア無線局の無線設備の操作 1996年12月
第二級アマチュア無線技士 アマチュア無線局の無線設備の操作(200W以下) 1996年5月
第三級アマチュア無線技士 アマチュア無線局の無線設備の操作(50W以下 周波数制限あり) 1996年3月
電話級アマチュア無線技士 アマチュア無線局の無線設備の操作(20W以下 周波数制限あり) 1980年12月
資格名 操作範囲概要 取得年月
職業訓練指導員(電子科) 職業訓練の指導 2009/10


三アマ → 二アマ → 一アマ 一年間で3資格全て一発合格
一陸特 → 二陸技 → 一陸技 一年間で3資格全て一発合格



・どうしたら楽に合格できるだろうと思ったら、時間の許す限り過去問を解くしかないと言い聞かせ、とにかく過 去問を解く。

アマチュア無線技士 三級/二級/一級


 2アマ受験の時は試験場へ1番乗り、1アマの時は2番目ぐらいだったと思います。(2時間近く前に到着:今考えれば早過ぎですね。でもそれくらい合格したい意志が強かったのでしょう) 電信の受信試験時に、毎回感じたことがあります。それは、会場は音が反響しやすくエコ−がかかって聞こえることです。常日頃の受信練習は、やむを得ない場合を除きヘッドフォンは使用しない方がよいと思います。できるだけ音の反響しそうな部屋で、スピ−カから離れて練習することをおすすめします。私の場合、お風呂場で入浴しながらの練習もしました。その場合は、紙に書けませんので必ず指で壁などに文字をなぞりました。数年おいて受験するよりは、会場の慣れや、勉強のこつ、モ−ルスの受信を考えれば続けて受験した方が効率がよいように思えます。

1アマ取得後プロの資格を受験したいという気持ちはあったものの、引っ越し(東京→山形)や、1KWの落成検査があり、真剣に取り組むことがないままの状態が続いた中、会社内での職場移動で携帯電話関連を扱う職場に移動になり, 、第一級陸上特殊無線技士を受験しようと軽い気持ちでチャレンジしました。ところが、参考書を見ると多重無線関係の見慣れない言葉がたくさん出てきます。これは、1アマ受験の経験上、理屈抜きで、問題集を何回も解くしかないと自分に言い聞かせました。参考書、問題集を入手したのは、2000.8月中旬(試験は10月5日)。勉強した日は、8月は、仕事が予想もしていなかった夜勤も臨時的に入り、9月に入ってからの休日の勉強のみとなりました。あせりました。平日は帰宅が夜遅いしできません。休日を犠牲にして勉強しました。問題集は、過去問は各問題5回は解いたでしょうか。実際の試験では、少しとまどい、試験中に自己採点を(これの問題は完璧だと思えるのをカウント!)しましまたがちょっとぎりぎりでした。帰宅後、参考書を見て再度自己採点、ほぼ正解しており安心しました。数日後、自動車免許の書き換えのため休暇を頂いたついでに、結果もこないうちから、免許申請に必要な医師の診断書をもらうため町医者に行きました。(もし、不合格だったらという不安はあったが)結局、10/27に合格通知が送られてきました。やっぱり、いくら自信があっても送られてくるまでは不安でした。合格の秘訣:過去問を理解して説ければ間違えなし。ちなみに、受験の次の日から、次の目標の2技の勉強開始しました。

□無線従事者国家試験問題回答集 第一級陸上特殊無線技士(電気通信振興会)


□無線従事者国家試験問題回答集 第二級陸上無線技術士(電気通信振興会)
□合格精線300題 二陸技(東京電機大学出版局) 


□無線従事者国家試験問題回答集 第一級陸上無線技術士(電気通信振興会)
□合格精線300題 一陸技 (東京電機大学出版局)
□1・2陸技受験教室 @/A/B/C(東京電機大学出版局)





Name of license Range of operation Date of license
Vocational Training guidance(electronict) Vocational Training guidance(electronict) 2009/10

My license

Wireless professional

Name of license Range of operation Date of license
First-Class Technical Radio Operator
Technological operation of radio system(Output power:no limited) 2001/11
Second-Class Technical Radio Operato Technological operation of radio system(Frequency and power::Limitation) 2001/03
On-the-Ground I-Category Special Radio Operator Technological operation of multiple radio system on ground 2000/11
Name of license Range of operation Date of license
Amateur Fourth-Class Radio Operator Operation of radio system at amateur radio station 1996/12
Amateur Second-Class Radio Operator Operation of radio system at amateur radio station(200W or less) 1996/05
Amateur Third-Class Radio Operator Operation of radio system at amateur radio station(50W or less) 1996/03
Amateur Fourth-Class Radio Operator Operation of radio system at amateur radio station(20Wor less) 1980/12


Name of license Range of operation Date of license
Chief Telecommunications Engineer Supervisor of telecommunications carrier 2006/02

Installation Technician(AI・DD)

Supervisor of telecommunication construction 2006/02
Engineer of information and communication Supervisor of telecommunication construction 2008/02