Extension patches of w3m (w3m-m17n, w3m-img, and w3m-js)

Last update: 2003/03/08
w3m written by aito is a text-based pager/www-browser.
The latest version is w3m-0.4.1. [update]

Here are my extension patches of w3m.

Multilingualization of w3m (w3m-m17n)

I have tried the multilingualization of w3m (w3m-m17n).
Now, w3m-m17n supports ISO/IEC 2022 based charsets (ISO-2022-*, EUC, ISO-8859), Unicode (UTF-8), Shift_JIS, GBK, GB18030, Big5, UHC, Johab, TIS620, VISCII, and almost CodePage's. w3m-m17n can display multilingual documents on the following terminals.
Here is the current w3m-m17n which is based on w3m-0.4.1 (ChangeLog 1.774). It is the latest version.
Here is the latest stable w3m-m17n which is based on w3m-0.4.1.
This is same with the above w3m-0.4.1-m17n-20030308 except of the file name.

Inline image support of w3m (w3m-img)

This is the extension patch for w3m to support inline image !
Now, w3m can display inline images on X terminal (xterm, rxvt, etc.) !

Demo: nec.png, mapion.png

The patch has already been merged in w3m-0.3.

EXPERIMENTAL JavaScript support of w3m (w3m-js)

This is the EXPERIMENTAL patch for w3m to support JavaScript using NJS JavaScript Interpreter.
Now, w3m-js is developped by new developper.
See http://abe.nwr.jp/w3m/w3m-js.html (written in Japanese)

Homepage (Japanese)

since 2002/10/18

Contact: please send e-mail to hsaka@mth.biglobe.ne.jp.