GLN 古事記 英文 English

Old name(古名):English(英文)List

◇Old name(古名):English(英文)List
Agata-no-atahe:Departmental Suzerain.
Agata-nushi:Departmental Lord.
Asomi (Ason):Court Noble.
Inaki:Territorial Lord.
Miko (王):King.
Mi Ko (御子):August Child.[16]
Wake (in the names of human beings):Lord.

English:Old name 和名

Bear, (kuma 熊).
Boar, (wi 猪).
Deer, (shika 鹿).
Hare, (usagi  野ウサギ).
Horse, (uma and koma 馬・駒).
Mouse or Rat (nedzumi 鼠).
"Sea-ass" [grampus] (michi シャチ ).
Whale, (kujira 鯨).

Barndoor-fowl, (kake 鶏).
Cormorant, (u 鵜).
Crow or Raven, (karasu 烏).
Dotterel or Plover or Sand-piper, (chidori 千鳥).
Heron or Egret, (sagi 鷺).
Kingfisher (soni-dori), Nuye (カイツブリ). 40
Pheasant, (kigishi 雉).
Snipe, (shigi 鴫).
Swan, (shiro-tori 白鳥)
Wild-duck, (kamo 鴨).
Wild-goose, (kari 雁).

Crocodile [Shark], (wani 鰐[鮫]). 41
Tortoise (kame 亀).
Toad or Frog, (taniguku, written phonetically 蛙).
Serpent, (worochi 大蛇).
Snake [smaller than the preceding], (hemi 蛇).

Centipede, (mukade 百足).
Dragon-fly, (akidzu 蜻蛉).
Fly, (hahi 蝿).
Louse, (shirami 虱).
Silk-worm, (kahiko 蚕).
Wasp or Bee, (hachi 蜂).

Pagrus cardinalis [probably], (aka-dahi 真鯛) [or perhaps
 the Pagrus cardinalis (tai 鯛) is intended.]
Perch [Percalabrax japonicus] (su-dzuki 鱸).
Beche-de-mer [genus Pentacta] (ko 海鼠).
Medusa, (kurage 海月, written phonetically).

Arca Subcrenata [?] (hirabu-kahi 貝・二枚貝, written phonetically).
Cockle [Arca Inflata] (kisa-gahi 蛤).
Turbinida [a shell of the family] (shitadami サザエ).

Ampelopsis serianafolia [?] (kaga-mi 野葡萄).
Aphanarthe aspera, (muku 椋, written phonetically).
Aucuba japonica [probably] aha-gi 青木, written phonetically).
Bamboo, (take 竹).
Bamboo-grass [Bambusa chino], (sasa 笹).
Barley [or wheat?], (mugi 麦).
Beans [two kinds, viz., Soja glycine and Phaselus radiatus
 (the general name is mame 豆, that of the latter species
 in particular adzuki).
Bulrush [Typha japonica] (kama 蒲).
Bush-clover [Lespedeza of various species], (hagi 萩).
Camellia japonica (tsuba-ki 椿).
Cassia [Chinese mythical; or perhaps the native Cercidiphyllum japonica],
 (katsura 桂[katsura], variously written).
Chamacyparis obtusa, (hi-no-ki 檜)
Cleyera japonica [and another allied but undetermined species)
 (saka-ki 榊).
Clubmoss, (hi-koge ヒカゲノカズラ).
Cocculus thunbergi [probably] (tsu-dzura アオツヅラフジ).
Cryptomeria japonica, (sugi 杉).
Eulalia japonica (kaya 萱).
Evonymus japonica, (masa-ki 錦木).
Ginger, [or perhaps the Xanthoxylon is intended] (hazhikami 生姜).
Halocholoa macrantha [but it is not certain that this is the sea-weed
 intended] (komo ホンダワラ).
Holly [or rather the Olea aquifolium, which closely resembles holly],
 (hihira-gi 柊).
Knot-grass [Polygonum tinctorium] (awi 庭柳(タデ科)).
Lily, (sawi(百合) written phonetically, yamayuri-gusa  , and saki-kusa).
Madder. (akane 茜).
Millet [Panicum italicum], (aha 粟).
Moss, (koke 苔).
Oak (two species, one evergreen and one deciduous,?Quercus myrsinafolia,
 Q. dentata (kashi(樫), kashiwa 柏).
Peach, (momo).
Photinia glabra [?], (soba(カナメモチ?), written phonetically).
Pine-tree, (matsu 松).
Pueraria thumbergiana, (kudzu 葛).
Reed, (ashi 芦・葦).
Rice, (ine 稲).
Sea-weed [or the original term may designate a particular species],
 (me 海草).
Sedge [Scriptus marintimus], (suge 菅).
Spindle-tree [Evonymus radians], (masaki no kadzura 真弓).
Vegetable Wax-tree [Rhus succedanea], (hazhi 漆).
Vine, (yebi-kadsura エビカズラ). p. xliv
Wild cherry [or birch?], (hahaka 山桜).
Wild chive [or rather the allium and odorum, which closely resembles it],
 (ka-mira 野蒜).
Winter-cherry [Physalis alkekengi] aka-kagachi written phonetically,
 also (hohodzuki 酸漿).
The later portions of the work furnish in addition the llowing:?

Cow (ushi 牛).
Dog, (inu 犬).
Crane, [genus Grus] (tadzu 鶴).
[35] Dove or Pigeon, (hato 鳩).
Grebe, (niho-dori カイツブリ).
Lark, (hibari 雲雀).
Peregrine falcon, (hayabusa 隼).
Red-throated quail (udzura 鶉).
Tree-sparrow (susume 雀).
Wag-tail, [probably] (mana-bashira 鶺鴒), written phonetically.
Wren, (sazaki ミソサザイ).
Dolphin, (iruka 海豚).
Trout, [Plecoglossus altivelis] (ayu 鱒).
Tunny, [a kind of, viz. Thynnus sibi] (shibi 鮪).
Crab, (kani 蟹).
Horse-fly (amu 虻).
Oyster (kaki 牡蠣).

Alder [Alnus maritima] (hari-no-ki ハンノキ).
Aralia (mi-tsuna gashiwa 八手).
Brasenia peltata (nunaha ジュンサイ). 
Cabbage [brassica] (aona 野菜・キャベツ).
Catalpa Kaempferi [but some say the cherry is meant (adzusa
Chestnut (kuri 栗).
Dioscorea quinqueloba (tokoro-dzura ヤマノイモ).
Evonymus sieboldianus(mayumi 真弓)
Gourd (hisago 瓢箪).
Hedysarum esculentum (wogi 荻?).
Hydropyrum latifolium (komo マコモ).
Kadzura japonica (sen kadzura 真葛).
Livistona sinensis (aji-masa ビロウ).
Lotus [nelumbium] (hachisu 蓮).
Musk-melon (hozoahi 瓜).
Oak, [three species, Quercus serrata (kunugi クヌギ) and Q.
 glandifera (nara 楢), both deciduous; Q. gilva (ichihi イチイガシ)
Orange (tachibana 橘).
Podocarpus macrophylla (maki 槙).
Radish, [Raphanus sativus] (oho-ne 大根).
Sashibu (written phonetically) [not identified]. さしぶ【烏草樹】シャシャンボ
 Vaccinium bracteatum
Water caltrop, [Trapa bispinosa] (hishi 菱).
Wild garlic [Allium nipponicum] (nubiru 野蒜 Wild rocambole.).
Zelkowa keaki [probably] (tsuki 槻・欅).

(1)"Web site:Internet Sacred Text Archive Home"
(2)About a creature, it is necessary to inspect the old name and
 the current name a little more. 

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