[Program of Annual Major Festival] 1 Procession Ritual purification of hands and mouth is held previously 2 Ceremony of purification 3 Single bow by Guuji 4 Opening the door of main sanctuary by Guuji 5 Presentation of offerings 6 Offering of Shinto liturgy by Guuji 7 Offering of ritual offering from Jinja Hinchou 8 Offering of Shinto liturgy by Jinja Honchou envoy 9 Offering of ancient ceremonial music and dance 10 Offering of a ritual branch by Guuji 11 Offering of a ritual branch by Jinja Honchou envoy 12 Offerung of a ritual branch by parish representative with parishioners and worshippers 13 Removal of ritual offering from Jinja Honchou 14 Removal of offerings 15 Closing the door of main sanctuary by Guuji 16 Single bow by Guuji 17 Communal repast 18 Recession |
[神社例祭次第(例)] 1 参進 是より先手水の儀あり 2 修祓 3 宮司一拝 4 宮司御扉を開く 5 神饌を供す 6 宮司祝詞を奏す 7 本庁幣を献ず 8 献幣使祭詞を奏す 9 楽を奏す 10 宮司玉串を奉りて拝礼 11 献幣使玉串を奉りて拝礼 12 総代玉串を奉りて拝礼 氏子崇敬者列拝 13 本庁幣を撤す 14 神饌を撤す 15 宮司御扉を閉づ 16 宮司一拝 17 直会 18 退出(退下) |
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