56 The Muromachi Period (1392-1573)

(an omission)
During this long period (57 years of the Yoshino Court), uprisings were rampant in various spots in the country and many loyal warriors sacrificed their lives. Greatly concerned, Emperor Go-Kameyama finally decided to return to Kyouto and abdicate the throne to Emperor Go-Komatsu (r. 1392-1412). This became known as the unification of the Southern and Northern Imperial Courts. It took place in the 9th year of the Genchuu era (1392) during the reign of Emperor Go-Kameyama, which corresponds to the 3rd year of the Meitoku era during the reign of Emperor Go-Komatsu.
(an omission)

The major events of the Muromachi period are the civil wars, of the Meitoku era, Oh'ei era, and the Eikyou era; in addition, the insurgence of the Kakitsu era and the great Ohnin war come to mind. Thus, it was a period of instability caused by civil wars which lasted for a hundred years. (an omission)

However, these warlords were junior in rank to the Ashikaga clan. They had no desire to reflect upon the essential character of the Japanese nation, or to contribute to its restoration.
During this period of more than a hundred years, there were objects that had no political significance, but played an important role in the nation. These were books, such as Collection of Ancient and Modern Poems (Kokinshuu), The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari), and An Abstract of the History of the Court Appointments (Shokugenshou). In spite of the contemporary political and military upheavals, people read these with intense interest and excitement. As the result of the Great Ohnin War, the aristocrats of Kyouto lost their houses and income, and were forced to move to the countryside. In doing so, they spread the wisdom and learning of the Japanese classics. This was an unexprected outcome of the war-torn years.
(Rest omitted)
56 室町時代
 その長い間(吉野五十七年)、各地の紛乱やむ時なく、忠臣義士、数多く戦死し、一 般国民、非常な苦しみに陥っているのを憐れませ給うて、後亀山天皇は遂に京都へお帰 りになり、御位を後小松天皇にお譲りになりました。いわゆる南北両朝の合一と呼ばれ るのが、これであります。それは後亀山天皇の元中九年、後小松天皇の明徳三年(西暦 一三九二年)の事であります。
 室町時代の出来事として普通にあげられるのは、明徳の乱であり、応永の乱であり、 永享の乱であり、嘉吉の変であり、そして応仁の乱であり、百年にわたる戦国の動乱で あります。(中略)
 然しそれらの群雄は、いずれも足利の下風にあったもので、日本国の本質を考え、そ の中興に貢献しようとの意志は、まだ無かったのでありました。
 然るにこの紛乱の百数十年の間に、何の権力も無いままに、大きな働きをしたものが あります。それは書物です。たとえば古今集です。源氏物語です。職原抄です。これら の書物は、あの戦乱の世にも、驚くべき熱情を以て、人々の愛読するところとなりまし た。そして、応仁の大乱によって、京都の邸宅を焼かれ、その収入も無くなった公卿た ちが、それぞれ縁故をたよって地方に移住するに及んで、これらの人々によって、上( 前)にあげたような古典の智識も、一層ひろく地方にひろがるに至ったのは、いわば予 期せざる効果と云ってよいでしょう。