36 The Hougen Rebellion [1]

The Hougen Rebellion was caused by intrigue at coyrt, family competition within the Fujiwaras, and the rise of the Genji and Heike clans. However, if Fujiwara no Yorinaga (1120-1156) were not a member of a leading Fujiwara family, such an explosive civil war would not have erupted.
Fujiwara no Yorinaga, the second son of Fujiwara no Tadazane the Imperial Regent and Chancellor, was twenty-three years younger than his brother Fujiwara no Tadamichi (1097-1164). (an omission)

Yorinaga was brilliant. (an omission)
With determination and extensive learning, he was highly demanding of others. Those around him were impressed with hi knowledge and judgement, but at the same time feared and avoided him. When he was appointed minister of the Left at age thirty, he was called "Fierce Minister of the Left." No one could exceed his knowledge, scholarship and strength of character.
(an omission)

Fujiwara no Yorinaga was of the highest aristocratic lineage, exceptionally gifted, talented, and learned, with a great deal of integrity and courage. Now he acquired a military presence in the person of Minamoto no Tameyoshi. Yorinaga would have served effectively for the nation if he had used his assets soundly,but unfortunately his greed for political power increased with age. Setting aside service to the nation, he started scheming and acting for personal gain.
(an omission)

Meanwhile Emperor Konoe fell ill, and passed away on the 23rd day of the 7th month of the 2nd year of Kyuuju era (1155). At that time Retired Emperor Toba was the actual sovereign. When Emperor Go-Shirakawa was chosen to ascend to the throne, a problem arose: Retired Emperor Sutoku was not pleased. As the first-born son of Retired Emperor Toba, he had ascended to the throne at age five. At age twenty-three, he was ordered by his father to abdicate for his younger brother Emperor Konoe. He did so unwillingly, only following his Father's orders.

The passing of Emperor Konoe gave Retired Emperor Sutoku hope, understandably, if not for his own re-ascension, then for the investment of his son Prince Shigehito. However, neither of his wishes was granted, and this caused tension in the palace. On the first day of the 6th month of the 1st year of Hougen era (1156), Retired Emperor Toba ordered warriors such as Minamoto no Yoshitomo, then Gofernor of Shimotsuke Province (Tochigi Prefecture) and the eldest son of Minamoto no Tameyoshi, the head of the Genji clan, to guard the Imperial Palace and his own Toba Palace. A month later on the 2nd day of the 7th month Retired Emperor Toba passed away. At this time Fujiwara no Yorinaga, driven by his own frustrations, took sides with the dissatisfied Retired Emperor Sutoku. Yorinaga reported to Shirakawa Palace, Retired Emperor Sutoku's residence, and summoned the warriors. His vassal Minamoto no Tameyoshi reported with his sons (except the eldest Minamoto no Yoshitomo). (an omission)

 The fire was set at the mansion located west of Shirakawa Palace, which belonged to Fujiwara no Ienari the Middle Counsellor. A strong gust of wind from the west pushed the fire to the palace, surrounding it with black smoke. Retired Emperor Sutoku's army was defeated.
36 保元の乱(上)
 保元の乱の原因、宮中にもあれば、摂関家にもあり、源氏にもあれば、平家にもあっ たとして良いが、もし摂関家に頼長と云う人物がいなかったならば、大乱として激発す る事は無かっただろうと思われます。頼長は、関白太政大臣藤原忠実の次男です。兄の 忠通とは、年が二十三違っていました。(中略)
 精神がしっかりしていて、学問は博く、また深いとなれば、他の者に対する批判も、 おのずから厳しいので、人々は頼長の識見に感服すると共に、之を恐れ、之を憚り、頼 長が三十歳にして左大臣に任ぜられると、「悪左府」と呼びました。(中略)つまりそ の見識、その学問、その人物の前には、誰も太刀打ちは出来なかったのです。
 頼長は名門に生まれて、英才ではあり、学問はあり、見識もあれば、勇気もあったと ころへ、今や源為義を家来にして、武力を加えたのです。正しい方向にこの力が発揮さ れたならば、あっぱれ国のお役に立ったでしょうに、惜しい事に頼長、年と共に政権欲 が強くなり、お国の為と云うよりは、自分の為に計画を立て、おのれの為に動く様にな りました。
 そのうちに、近衛天皇御病気におなりになって、久寿二年七月二十三日、御年十七歳 でおかくれになりました。当時は鳥羽法皇の院政で、次には後白河天皇の御即位が決定 しました。ここに一つ、重大な問題がありますのは、崇徳上皇の御不満であります。上 皇は、鳥羽法王の第一皇子で、五歳にして帝位をおつぎになりましたが、二十三歳の時 に、父法皇の仰せによって、御位を御弟の近衛天皇にお譲りになりました。それは好ん でなさった事ではなく、父法皇の仰せに従われただけでしょう。そこで今近衛天皇おか くれになれば、御自身再び帝位にのぼらせ給うか、さもなくば御子重仁親王の御即位か 、二つに一つの御希望がおありになったに無理も無いところがありましょう。それが二 つとも期待はずれとなれば、情勢は嶮しくなります。保元元年(西暦一一五六年)六月 朔日、情勢不穏と見て、法皇は下野守源義朝等を召して宮中を守らせ、また法皇の御所 鳥羽殿を守らせられました。七月二日、鳥羽法皇おかくれになります。不平の人頼長は 、崇徳上皇の御不満に御同情申し上げ、上皇の御所白河殿に参って、兵を集める。為義 は、長男義朝を除き、その他の子息をひきつれて馳せ参ずる。(中略)
 そこで御所の西、中納言藤原家成の邸に火をかけたところ、折ふし西風烈しく吹いて 、白河御所は忽ち黒煙に包まれる。上皇方は、その為に総敗軍となりました。