34 Emperor Go-Sanjou

(an omission) However, there was trouble beneath the surface.
First, the Fujiwara clan controlled the imperial authority as Regent when the Emperor was young, and as Imperial Regent when he reached adulthood. (an omission)

Emperor Go-Sanjou was the seventy-first imperial sovereign of Japan. He was also called the Emperor of the Enkyou era, and his reign the Great Era of Enkyou. He was already thirty-five years old when he was invested. Intelligent and upstanding, he governed directly, leaving Fujiwara no Norimichi, Minister of the Left, a nominal Imperial Regent. The appointments he made brought able and just men into the offices of the government.

One was Oh-e no Masafusa, who in his early twenties had taught military science to Hachiman Tarou Yoshiie. (an omission) Yet on the day of ascension the Emperor appointed him Archivist, a psition equivalent to personal secretary to the Emperor. (an omission)

The policy most welcome to ordibary poeple must have been the standardization of measurements. (an omission)

The great political reform was the reorganization of private domains controlled by aristocrats. On the 23rd day of the 2nd month of the 1st year of Enkyou era (1069), the Emperor decreed that all privatization conducted since the 2nd year of Kantoku era (1045) was revoked. Further, this applied to privatizations prior to that year, if the registration had not been completed, or if it had interfered with the affairs of the nation. On the 11th day of the intercalary second month, the Emperor instituted a Records Office where the registration documents were reviewed.

The largest domain privatized after the 2nd year of Kantoku era (1045) belonged to Fujiwara no Yorimichi, the Imperial Regent duting the reign of Emperor Go-Reizei (r. 1045-1068). (an omission)

Finally the Emperor fell ill, and abdicated the throne at the end of the 4th year of Enkyou era (1072). The Crown Prince who ascended was Emperor Shirakawa (r. 1072-1086).
34 後三条天皇
(前略)然しその裏面を見ると、いろいろの弊害が起こっています。第一に、天皇御幼 少の時には摂政となり、御成人の暁には関白となって、殆ど大権を代行しているのは藤 原氏でありました。(中略)
 第七十一代後三条天皇、御代の年号を延久と定められましたので、延久の帝とか、延 久の御代とか申します。御位につかせ給うた時、御年はすでに三十五歳、天資英明であ らせられましたから、左大臣藤原教通には、前代のままに関白の名を残しておかれまし たものの、実は天皇直々の御裁断で政治が行われました。人物を見込んで天皇が抜擢せ られたものは、いずれも正しい人であり、すぐれた人物でした。その一人は大江匡房で した。二十二、三歳で、八幡太郎義家に兵書を教えた、あの匡房です。(中略)匡房を 参謀とし、秘書官として、政治を改めようとされたのでした。(中略)
 かように段々と改革が行われていった中に、最も大きな問題は、荘園の整理でありま した。延久元年二月二十三日、寛徳二年以後、あらたに立てられた荘園を廃止し、寛徳 以前といえども、証拠の明らかでないもの、国務の妨げとなるものは停止すべしとの勅 令が下され、閏二月十一日には、記録所と云う役所を設けて、荘園の証拠書類を審査せ しめられました。ところが寛徳二年以後の荘園、最も大きいもの、多いものは、後冷泉 天皇の御代の関白藤原頼通の荘園です。(中略)
 天皇は遂に御病気におなりになり、延久四年のくれに御譲位になり、皇太子が御立ち になりました。即ち白河天皇であります。