32 The Height of Fujiwara Prosperity During the Engi and Tenryku eras, it need not be said that the imperial house had great authority. However, the period surrounding those eras, a total of about 300 years before and after, was also the height of ptosperity of the Fujiwara clan. Appointments to the powerful position of Chancellor were monopolized by this family. It was passed on as follows: from Fujiwara no Yoshifusa (804-872), to his son Mototsune (836-891), then to his son Tadahira (880-949), to his son Saneyori (900-970), to his nephew Koretada (924-972), then to his younger brother Kanemichi (925-977), to his cousin Yoritada (924-989), to his cousin Kaneie (929-990), his younger brother Tamemitsu (942-992), then to his nephew Michinaga (966-1027), to his son Yorimichi (992-1074). This position was never yielded to anyone outside the Fujiwara clan. If a talented person arose from another family, able to compete with the power of the Fujiwara clan, he was ruthlessly removed as we saw in the case of Sugawara no Michizane. And their power was not limited to the position of Chancellor. They rose further to Regent, and Imperial Regent. Their influence was tremendous. (Rest omitted) |
32 藤原氏の全盛 延喜・天暦の御代、皇室の御威光の盛んであった事は云うまでもありませんが、同時に この御代を中心として、前後合わせて三百年ばかりは藤原氏の全盛時代でありました。 太政大臣だけを見ても、藤原良房、その子基経、その子忠平、その子実頼、その甥伊尹 、その弟兼通、その従兄頼忠、その従弟兼家、その弟為光、その甥道長、その子頼通と 、この一家一門に限って太政大臣の要職を占め、他氏他門には決して之を譲らなかった のでした。もし他家他流に之と肩を並べ得る人物が出てくる時は、冷酷に排除せられて しまう事、菅原道真の一例でよく分かるでしょう。しかも太政大臣に止まらず、摂政と なり、関白となったのですから、その勢力は絶大でありました。 (以下略) |
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