30 Sugawara no Michizane, the Scholar-Statesman

The Engi era (901-923) was the focus of the perid when Japanese literature attained its highest development, starting with the Iroha Song and culminating with The Tale of Genji (Genji Monogatari). Collection of Ancient and Modern Poems (Kokinshuu) and Procedures of the Ekgi Era (Engi Shiki) were also compiled at this time. However, one unfortunate incident took place: Sugawara no Michizane, who had reign to unprecedented high rank in court, suddenly found his forturnes reversed, resulting in banishment to Kyuushuu. Seemingly involing only one person, the incident carried implications for the sense of justice and morality inherent in Japanese culture. Drawing on the experience of this incident, the Japanese of olden times cultivated more strongly their sense of morals.

The Sugawara family descended from Nomi no Sukune, of the ancient Haji Clan. During the reign of Emperor Kanmu (r. 781-806), an ancestor Furuhito was allowed to change the family name to Sugawara. I have already told of his son Sugawara no Kiyokimi, Kiyokimi's son was Sugawara no Koreyoshi, Koreyoshi's son was Sugawara no Michizane. (an omission)

Sugawara no Michizane gradually advanced in rank, from Lesser Private Secretary, through Junior Assistant Minister of Popular Affairs, Junior Assista nt Minister of Ceremonial, and on to Doctor of Literature, occupying a firm position in the field of scholarship. Many university students planning to take the top civil service examination, called Flourishing Talents, sought his guidance, so his house became lively and thriving. At this point, others jealous and envious.

In the second year of Ninna era (886), he was appointed Governor of Sanuki Province (Kagawa Prefecture) where he served for four years, administering the local government. Upon completion of the appointment he returned to Kyouto and promptly became Head Chamberlain and Junior Assistant Minister of Ceremonial; then he was specially selected to became Consultant, concurrently holding the position of Senior Assistant Minister of Ceremonial. This advancement made him a central figure in court. It all originated from the deep trust in which Emperor Uda (r. 887-897) held him. Soon he rose higher, and became Middle Counsellor and Minister of Popular Affairs. His eldest daughter was appointed a Junior Consort. Finally when he became Minister of the Right, he was regarded as a threat. (an omission)

The rival Fujiwara clan could not take this lightly. The Fujiwara clan members had been Chancellor, Imperial Regent, Regent, and so on since the time of Fujiwara no Yoshifusa (804-872), so they proudly sat in incomparable positions of power. But now in the reign of Emperor Daigo (897-930), Fujiwara no Tokihira was Minister of the Left, and Sugawara no Michizane became Minister of the Right. They sat left and right as equals, Tokihira are twenty-nine, and Michizane fifty-five. In scholarship and experience, Sugawara no Michizane was brilliant, and further, had the absolute trust of Retired Emperor Uda. Thus it was natural for the Fujiwara clan members and their followers to scheme a plot to remove Sugawara no Michizane from court.

Slander was effective. The seventeen-year-old Emperor Daigo believed it. On the 25th day of the first month, first year of Engi era (901), Minister of thr Right Sugawara no Michizane was demoted to Vice Vice Governor of Government Headquaters in Kyuushu (Dazaifu). His four sons and his close friends were also demoted and banished from Kyouto.
(Rest omitted)
30 菅原道真
 さて「いろは歌」から源氏物語へと、一途に発展していった国文学の全盛時代、その 中心に当たるのは延喜の御代で、この時に古今集も撰ばれ、延喜式も作られました。と ころがその延喜の御代に、一つの不幸な出来事がありました。菅原道真の非常なる抜擢 が、一瞬にして百八十度転回して、九州へ流されると云う事件、これであります。事は 一人の運命のようですが、実は日本の道義道徳の根本にふれる問題をふくんでおり、我 々の先祖は之によっていよいよ深く道義心を養ったのであります。
 菅原氏は、もとは土師氏、野見宿禰から出ています。桓武天皇の御代に姓を菅原と改 める事を許されたのは古人、その子が清公、清公の子が是善、その是善の子が道真です 。(中略)
 段々進んで少内記となり、民部少輔となり、式部少輔に転じ、文章博士となり、学会 において押しも押されぬ地位を占めましたが、同時に多くの秀才がその門下に集まり、 壮観を呈し盛況を究めるに至って、他の人々から嫉まれ、猜まれるようになってきまし た。
 やがて仁和二年、讃岐守に任ぜられて、それより四年の間、讃岐(香川県)の民政を 掌り、任期終わって京に帰るや、蔵人頭となり、式部少輔に任ぜられ、躍進して参議と なり、式部大輔を兼ね、朝廷の中心に立つ事になりました。それは宇多天皇の御信任が 厚かったからでありますが、更に進んで中納言となり、民部卿を兼ね、長女が宮中に入 って女御となり、本人はしきりに昇進して右大臣に任ぜられると、これは危険です。( 中略)
 藤原氏は良房以来、太政大臣となり、摂政となり、関白となり、他の人々とは、断然 かけはなれた権威を誇っていたのに、今や醍醐天皇の御代になって、藤原時平は左大臣 、菅原道真は右大臣、両人左右に並んで、時平二十九歳、道真は五十五歳、学問と云い 、経験と云い、道真は輝かしい存在である上に、先帝宇多上皇の御信任は、道真に対し て絶対的であったとなれば、藤原氏及び藤原氏を取り巻く人々の間に、謀略を以てして も、道真を除こうとする運動の起こったのは、是非も無い事でありました。
 讒言は功を奏しました。十七歳の醍醐天皇は、之を信用し給い、延喜元年正月二十五 日、右大臣菅原道真は大宰権帥におとされ、その子四人、また親友数人、それぞれ処分 せられて、京より追放せられました。