17 Record of Ancient Matters (Kojiki), Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki), and Records of Climate (Fudoki)

I have already explained how the capital was moved to Nara in the third year of Wadou era (710), during the reign of Empress Genmei (r. 707-715). Moving the capital must have been a great enterprise in itself, yet despite the distraction, Record of Ancient Matters (Kojiki) was completed two years later (712). In the next year (713), a decree was sent out to the provinces to compile Records of Climate (Fudoki). Seven years later, in the 4th year of Yourou era (720) during the reign of Empress Genshou (r. 715-724), Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki) were presented in their completed form. (Rest omitted)
17 記紀、風土記
 元明天皇の御代、和銅三年に都を平城へ遷された事は、前に述べました。遷都と云う 事、大事業であったでしょうに、その二年後の和銅五年には、古事記を作らせられ、そ の翌年には、諸国に命じて風土記を作らせられました。それより七年たてば、元正天皇 の養老四年ですが、この時、日本書紀が出来上がります。(以下略)