11 Prince Shoutoku [1]

After Emperor Keitai, three Emperors by the names of Ankan, Senka, and Kinmei ascended to the throne successively. All three were the prince of Emperor Keitai.

Meanwhile in Korean Peninsula, there were several developments. Paekche attacked Koguryo to recover its territory, asked for Japan's assistance, and proceeded to Pyongyang. Silla in turn invaded Paekche and murdered the king. But the most important event was that King Song of Paekche (r. 523-554) transmitted Buddhism to Japan. According to Chronicles of Japan (Nihon Shoki), this was the 10th month, 552, which was the 13th year of Emperor Kinmei's reign. At this time a statue of Gold and Copper Buddha, religious ornaments, and sutras were presented. The king's memorial said,

"This doctrine is amongst all doctrines the most excellent. But it is hard to explain, and hard to comprehend. Even the Duke of Chou and Confucius had not attained to a knowledge of it. This doctrine can create religious merit and retribution without measure and without bounds, and so lead on to an appreciation of the highest wesdom . . . Moreover, from distant India it has extended hither to the three Han, where there are none who do not receive it with reverence as it is preached to them.
They servant the King of Paekche . . . transmits it to the Imperial Country . . . so as to fulfil the recorded saying of Buddha: 'My law shall spread to the East .'"

Emperor Kinmei did not dictate the decision about the adoption of Buddhism. He consulted the ministers for their opinions, which split into two. Soga no Iname suggested that Japan adopt it, saying:
"All the Western frontier lands without exception do it worship. Shall Japan alone refuse to do so ?"
Mononobe no Okoshi and Nakatomi no Kamako were opposed:
"Those who have ruled the Empire in this our State have always made it their care to worship in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter the 180 Gods of Heaven and Earth, and the Gods of the Land and of Grain. If just at this time we were to worship in their stead foreign Deities, it may be feared that we should incur the wrath of our National Gods."
The Emperor decreed not to adopt Buddhism as a national religion, but allowed Soba no Iname to worship as an individual. In delight, Soga no Iname took the statue of Buddha to his mansion, wwhich he cleaned and made into a Buddhist temple.

Soon an epidemic occurred, and many died. Mononobe no Okoshi and Nakatomi no Kamako asserted: "These disasters were caused by the Gods who are not pleased with the existence of someone who reveres Buddha. The statue should be discarded immediately." The Court ordered the statue to be sunk in a canal in Naniwa (Ohsaka) and set fire to Soga no Iname's mansion, now a Buddhist temple.

Afterwards the strife between the two groups became more fierce, both arming themselves and gathering men. At this time Empress Suiko (r. 592-628) ascended, and Prince Shoutoku was invested as Crown Prince and Regent. Thereafter the impact of Buddhism became greater, riding with the times.

After Emperor Kinmei, his four children ascended to the throne successively as Emperors Bidatsu, Youmei, Sushun and Empress Suiko. Prince Shoutoku was the prince of Emperor Youmei, so he was the nephew of the reiginig Empress Suiko. Empress Suiko chose the brilliant nephew as Crown Prince, and entrusted him as Regent with matters of governance.

The name Prince Shoutoku, meaning "sacred and virtuous", arose from the people's admiration of his character. Originally, he was called Prince Umayado (Prince Horse Stable Door). This name came about when his mother, the Empress, who was taking a stroll in the Palace, went into labor at the stable and gave birth to him. He was exceedingly intelligent. He could listen simultaneously to eight people pleading their cases, and give suitable verdicts without confusion. In awe, people also called him Prince Yatsumimi (Prince with Eight Ears).

When instituted as Regent, he was twenty years old. The authority of the impeial court, which was temporarily in decline due to misfortunes, regained its glory and splendor with this gifted Crown Prince and Regent.