06 The Age of the Gods [2] Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity), banished from the Plain of High Heaven, headed towards the Root Land. Just as he went the rain poure, making his journey extremely difficult. He asked for lodging on the way, but all the Gods refused, so he continued his descent in the heavy rain and fierce wind, and reached the upper stream of Hi River, in Izumo Province (Shimane Prefecture). Father upstream, he heard someone weeping. Mystified, he searched and found an elderly couple who wept over a young girl. Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) asked, "What is wrong?" The couple answered, "We are the Earthly Gods of the Land, Ashinatsuchi (Foot-Stroking Elder) and Tenatsuchi (Hand-Stroking Elder). This is our daughter Princess Kushi Inada Hime (Wondrous Rice Paddy Princess). Originally we had eight daughters, but year by year, they were devoured by the Eight-Tailed Dragon. This is the last daughter, and she will soon be devoured. We wish to flee, but there is no way. That is why we are weeping." "Then please entrust the daughter to me," Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) said, and they answered, "As you wish." Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) turned Princess Kushi Inada Hime (Wondrous Rice Paddy Princess) into a comb and inserted it into hair knot. Then he built a fence around their mansion, and opened eight gates; each gate was equipped with a lightly made platform, and on each platform a barrel filled with sake-wine was placed. Then he waited. Just as he planned, the Eight-Tailed Doragon approached, stuck his eight heads into the eight gates, and guzzled the rake-wine. Then he became so intoxicated he fill asleep. Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) then drew his sword and cut the snake into pieced. When he reached the tail, the sword chipped. Wondering what had happened, Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) ripped the tail open, and a magnificent sword appeard. He present it to Amaterasu Ohmikami, and it became well known as The Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven. Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) continued his journey as far as Suga in Izumo Province (Shimane Prefecture). There he married Princess Kushi Inada Hime (Wondrous Rice Paddy Princess), who gave birth to Oh-anamuchi no Kami (Possessor of the Great Name Deity). He is also known as Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Master Deity of the Land). There is confusion about the identity of this God. One legend says he is the direct descendant of Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity), while another says that there were four generations of Gods between Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) and Ohkuninushi no Kani (Great Master Deity of the Land), making him the sixth descendant. Many intriguing stories have been transmitted sbout Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Master Deity of the Land), one of which is the well-known tale of the furless rabbit of Inaba (in Tottori Prefecture). Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) had many brothers-eighty, according to Record of Ancient Mattars (Kojiki). When these brothers travelled to Inada, they made Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) carry their big bags and follow them like s servant. Going on ahead, the brothers found a furless rabbit lying on the beach, and tricked it, suggesting that it bathe in salty seawater, and dry himself in the wind on top of a high mountain to feel better. The rabbit followed their advice, and it hurt terribly as his skin cracked open in the wind. Then Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) arrived and saw the weeping rabbit, and inquired. The rabbit anawered, "I wanted to cross the Channel from the Island of Oki. There was no way, so I deceived the sea crocodiles by proposing that we compete to see who were more numerous, rabbit or sea crocodiles. First I damanded that the sea crocodiles gather and line up from the Island of Oki to Inada, so that I could count by hopping on top of them, from one to another. This way I made it across the Channel. But just as I landed on the beach, I shrieked, 'So, you were fooled!' Angry, the last sea crocodile in the line snatched me and took off my fur. Your brothers came as I was in anguish, and they advised me to bathe in seawater and dry myself in the wind. I did so, and I am in excruciating pain." Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) taught the rabbit to swiftly bathe in fresh water, pick the cattail plant and spread it flat and roll around in it. The rabbit was healed. According to the legend, Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) defeated his numerous brothers and won the vast land, with the kindness and high moral character shown in this episode. Another legend tells us that together with Sukuna Hikona no Mikoto (Little Lad Deity), Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land) set up medical care for the humans and their domesticated animals. He also taught the humans shamanistic rituals to prevent the harmful effects of animals and insects. His benevolence to humans extended widely, lasting long. Because of his virtues the land he came to rule expanded and his house prospered ever more. He had a total of one-hundred and eighty-one Gods as children. Returnig to the creation, Izanagi no Mikoto (Male Deity Who Invites) and Izanami no Mikoto (Female Deity Who Invites) intended to give birth to a God who would be the master of the Great Eight Islands (Japan). But Amaterasu Ohmikami had ascended to the High Plain of Heaven, and Tsukiyomi no Mikoto (the Moon Deity) also went up to Heaven. The third God Susano-o no Mikoto (Valiant Intrepid Raging Male Deity) was exiled to the Root Land, so there was still no God to rule the Great Eight Island of Japan. At this time, Amaterasu Ohmikami decided to send her child Ame no Oshihomimi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great August Deity) down to the Great Eight Islands, as its ruler. Ame no Oshihomimi bo Mikoto (Heavenly Great August Deity) stood on the Heavenly Floating Bridge and looked down to insrect; seeng that the land was in a great uproar, he turned back and reported this to Amaterasu Ohmikami. Amaterasu Ohmikami called all the eight hundred myriad Gods to the river bank of Heavenly Tranquil River, and inquired: who should be sent down to correct and pacify the evil ways of the Central Land of Reed Plains? Ama no Hohi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great Sun Deity) was nominated by the Gods. But for thre years Ama no Hohi no Mikoto (Heavenly Great Sun Deity) continued catering to Ohkuninushi no Kami (Great Mastar Deity of the Land), and would not report back. Amaterasu Ohmikami again consulted the Gods, and sent down Ame Wakahiko (Heavenly Young Lad). Ame Wakahiko (Heavenly Young Lad) married Princess Shita Teru Hime (Lower Radiant Princess) and remained there for eight years, without reporting back. Finally Amaterasu Ohmikami sent down a pheasant by the name of Nakime (Weeping Woman) to see what had happened. The pheasant flew down, and sat on the tree in front of Ame Wakahiko's (Heavenly Young Lad) house, who shot and killed it with an arrow. This arrow not only pierced through chest of the pheasant, but flew up high, to the Plain of High Heaven. The arrow was flung back from the Plain of High Heaven, killing Ame Wakahiko (Heavenly Young Jad) in turn. |
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