The Beanes head Profile

The Beanes live at Daikoku 2016
What is the Beanes? a tribute band of the Beatles
Formed in 1996
Mainly plays in Aichi/Gifu
Goal to please the fans of the Beatles
Origin of the name of the band Because "Beanes" starts with "bea", it sounds closer to Beatles. TeraJohn who thought of the name "Beans" liked "Mr.Bean", though it was not as popular back then. You may be wondering why it is "Beanes" instead of "Beans".
Part of the reason is just as some of you may have guessed, "Beatles" themselves is not "the Beetles, but "the Beatles". And "Anne of Green Gables "mentions something about "e" in her name. Also, "Beanes" fits better when it is painted on bass drum head. The main reason is that we have found "The Beans" had already been existed in Japan as one of the tribute bands of The Beatles.
History Here's how the band was formed. Tony the bassist's want ad was posted on the fan club magazine. TeraJohn the rhythm guitarist saw the ad and responded. They were practicing alone until, Dora the drummer saw the want ad which had been put up in a musical instruments shop and joined the band. Then about a half year later, Toppo the lead guitarist came to join us even though he was playing in another band (The Mersey Beats, later The Please).
Toppo left the Beanes as he became busy with the Please.
Joey joined as our new lead guitarist in the year 2002.
Joey and Dora left the band in 2004.
Aberin and Tak joined and restarted the band.
Aberin and Tak left.
Dora rejoined, and Harisen of the Basics covers the lacking lead guitar position.

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