

Attribute VB_Name = "Main"
Sub MkCal()
Attribute MkCal.VB_Description = "カレンダー作成"
'Original Script
'2000/06/20 Ver 1.00
'2000/06/20 Ver 1.01 祝日判定
'2000/06/21 Ver 1.02 振り替え休日対応
'2000/06/21 Ver 1.03 可変サイズ

'2001/04/27 VBA Convert
'2001/05/02 more VBA
'2001/07/01 could save as file
'2001/11/17 HappyMonday

Dim DH As Long, DW As Long, DP As Long
Dim px As Long, py As Long, cx As Long, cy As Long
Dim TDa As Date, YTDa As Date
Dim ty As Long, tm As Long, td As Long, wd As Long, oy As Long, om As Long
Dim cm As Long, cyr As Long, fsr As Double
Dim dc As String, ds As Double

Dim CurrD As Document
Dim ppcs As Object
Set ppcs = PHOTOPAINT.CorelScript
Const ndp As Integer = 96

TDa = Date
om = month(TDa)
oy = year(TDa)

Set CurrD = ActiveDocument
DH = CurrD.SizeHeight
DW = CurrD.SizeWidth
DP = CurrD.DpiX
If CurrD.DpiY <> DP Then
    Exit Sub
End If
CurrD.DpiX = ndp
CurrD.DpiY = ndp
CurrD.Resample DW, DH, True
fsr = DH / 768
CurrD.VirtualHeight = 768
CurrD.VirtualWidth = 1024
    With ppcs
        .RectangleTool 0, 50, 0, 0, True, True, True
        .FillSolid 5, 0, 255, 0, 0
        .Rectangle 0, 605, 1024, 730
        .ObjectOpacity 50
        .ObjectSelect 1, True
    End With
    For cy = 1 To 3
        py = 600 + cy * 40
        cm = om - 2 + cy
        If cm > 12 Then
            cyr = oy + 1
            cm = cm - 12
        ElseIf cm < 1 Then
            cyr = oy - 1
            cm = cm + 12
            cyr = oy
        End If
        PutStr 5, py - 20, CStr(cyr), "Arial Black", 8 * fsr, "y"
        PutStr 5, py, ms(cm), "Arial Black", 16 * fsr, "r"
        If cy = 2 Then
            ds = 16
            ds = 14
        End If
        dc = "b"
        For cx = 1 To 31
            TDa = DateSerial(cyr, cm, cx)
            If month(TDa) <> cm Then Exit For
            YDa = TDa - 1
            Select Case Weekday(TDa, vbSunday)
                Case 1
                    dc = "r"
                Case 2
                    If ish(YDa) = True Then
                        dc = "r"
                        dc = "b"
                    End If
                Case 7
                    dc = "bl"
                Case Else
                    dc = "b"
            End Select
            If ish(TDa) = True Then
                dc = "r"
            End If
            px = 40 + cx * 30
            PutStr px, py, CStr(cx), "Arial Black", ds * fsr, dc
        Next cx
    Next cy
'    CurrD.SaveAs "c:\windows\calendar.bmp", cdrBMP, True
    Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub PutStr(x As Long, y As Long, ps As String, fn As String, fs As Double, fc As String)
With PHOTOPAINT.CorelScript
    .TextTool x, y, False, True, 0
    Select Case fc
        Case "y"
            .TextSetting "Fill", "255,255,0"
        Case "r"
            .TextSetting "Fill", "255,0,0"
        Case "w"
            .TextSetting "Fill", "255,255,255"
        Case "bl"
            .TextSetting "Fill", "0,0,255"
        Case Else
            .TextSetting "Fill", "0,0,0"
    End Select
    .TextSetting "Font", fn
    .TextSetting "TypeSize", fs
    .TextSetting "Justify", "1"
    .TextSetting "InterCharSpacing", "0"
    .TextSetting "InterLineSpacing", "1000000"
    .TextSetting "Direction", "0"
    .TextAppend ps
 End With
End Sub

Private Function ms(cm As Long) As String
    Select Case cm
        Case 1
            ms = "Jan."
        Case 2
            ms = "Feb."
        Case 3
            ms = "Mar."
        Case 4
            ms = "Apr."
        Case 5
            ms = "May"
        Case 6
            ms = "Jun."
        Case 7
            ms = "Jul."
        Case 8
            ms = "Aug."
        Case 9
            ms = "Sep."
        Case 10
            ms = "Oct."
        Case 11
            ms = "Nov."
        Case 12
            ms = "Dec."
    End Select
End Function

Private Function ish(ByVal YDa As Date) As Boolean
Dim ty As Integer
Dim tm As Integer
Dim td As Integer
Dim wd As Integer

    ty = year(YDa)
    tm = month(YDa)
    td = Day(YDa)
    wd = Weekday(YDa, vbSunday)
    ish = False
    Select Case tm
        Case 1
            If td = 1 Then
                ish = True
            ElseIf td = HappyMonday(ty, tm, 2) Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 2
            If td = 11 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 3
            If td = 20 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 4
            If td = 29 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 5
            If td > 2 And td < 6 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 7
'            If td = HappyMonday(ty, tm, 3) Then
            If td = 20 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 9
'            If td = HappyMonday(ty, tm, 3) Then
            If td = 15 Then
                ish = True
            ElseIf td = 23 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 10
            If td = HappyMonday(ty, tm, 2) Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 11
            If td = 3 Or td = 23 Then
                ish = True
            End If
        Case 12
            If td = 23 Then
                ish = True
            End If
    End Select
End Function

Function HappyMonday(year As Integer, month As Integer, week As Integer) As Integer
    Dim fdw As Integer, fdm As Date, fd As Date
    fd = DateSerial(year, month, 1)
    fdw = Weekday(fd, vbSunday)
    fdm = fd - fdw + 2
    If fdw > 2 Then
        fdm = fdm + 7
    End If
    HappyMonday = Day(fdm + (week - 1) * 7)
End Function



