between colorectal adenomas and serum lipids; hypo-trigriceridemia is an independent preventive factor for colorectal
tubular adenoma in male
ground] Many epidemiological papers
have been published on the relation of lipids and the incidence of colorectal
adenoma and cancer. Their conclusions sometimes indicated opposite directions
to each other. The present predominant theory is that high level of lipids,
both cholesterol and trigriceride, promote the incidence of colonic tumors. To vote this
controversy, a large scale study was performed from the about 30000 consecutive
clean colon endoscopic procedures. After we submitted
the abstract, a fine statistic analysis using JUMP soft ware was made and the
results of this study were slightly changed.
and objects] All adenomas and mucosal cancers were removed in almost every
colonoscopy. High resolution magnified chromo-endoscope was used to avoid
failing to detect adenoma and cancers. More than twenty minutes were spent for
the detection in each colonoscopy. Before the colonoscopy, the level of serum
lipids (cholesterol and trigriceride)
was measured. The objects were limited to the cases that underwent colonoscopy
more than three times. The cases were about
3000 in number. The average age was about 57 and gender rate was 26%. They were
divided into groups according to the average of lipid level. We counted the
incidence of adenoma and mucosal cancer in each groups.
[Results] Serum cholesterol levels were not associated with the frequency of colorectal adenoma and mucosal cancer. On the contrary, serum triglyceride levels were associated with the frequency of colorectal adenoma and mucosal cancer. Under the level of 150mg/dl, the lower the level of triglyceride, the lower the incidence was. The odds ratio was 2.5. Over the level of 150mg/dl, there was no tendency.(cf. tables and figures)
Our data was not consistent with the present predominant theory about
cholesterol level, but was consistent with that about triglyceride level. Low
level of trigriceride is supposed to be a preventive
factor against occurrence of colorectal neoplasm.