Words and Music by Masaro Miyajima

Manga Mambo is one of the Ali Baba original pieces composed by Mamma Miyajima, the chief of the Thieves.

Ali Baba and 15 Thieves is an a cappella chorus group mainly consists of businessmen.

Ali Baba and 15 Thieves never sing new songs because it is the area where we could never be competition to younger singers. Ali Baba and 15 Thieves never sing foreign songs because it is the area where we could never be competition to foreign singers although we had American, Canadian and Autralian singers in our group. Ali Baba and 15 Thieves only sing old Japanese songs in sophisticated arrangements. We have been doing this for 13 years.

We also have made some original pieces recently. Late fall is the Ali Baba season. Those who love our music all get together at Suntory Hall each year in the late November.

Link to Ali Baba official site