Timeline of the Seas

Copyright c1997 Peter Metcalfe, save for the copyright bits quoted from other credited sources which is (ha ha) at least 90% of the document. But then that's them Great Poets for ya... Written 25 Jan 1998

Commentary:: This chronology contains events limited to the lands which it describes. For instance, the defeat of the Stygian Alliance in 740 ST is common knowledge yet it is not recorded here due to it having occurred outside the area. I have stuck mainly to published material and have shied away from interpretations and interpolations. If you have any questions, corrections and/or mindless trivia that you feel compelled to share with me upon reading this, then please do not hesitate to contact me.

Revisions: Given the scanty knowledge about some periods in history, this document will almost certainly be revised. For example, some work has been done on the East Isles that have not been published yet. If I do get some dates, then I will add them in. In such a case, this section will contain a brief precis of the revisions to date.

Timeline of the Seas:

0 ST The Dawn [G:CotHW#1]

375 ST The Sun Stop [G:CotHW#1]. Arkat is born in Brithos [CoT].

388 ST Arkat is turned over by the Elves of Brithos to the Horal school [G:CotHW#1].

400 ST Brithos lands an army in Arolanit to punish Tanisor for serious transgressions [G:CotHW#1].

437 ST An Akemi embassy arrives in Brithos asking if the Empire of the Deceivers marked the start of the Hero Wars [ToTRM#13].

500 ST Formation of the earliest God Learner study groups in Jrustela [G:CotHW#1].

650 ST Jrusteli Confederation is formed by the thirteen free colonies of that Isle [G:CotHW#1].

675 ST The Return to Rightness crusade begins in Jrustela [G:CotHW#1].

718 ST The Waertagi are destroyed at the battle of Tanian's Victory [G:CotHW#1]. The Sea of Flame is created as a result [ToTRM#10].

727 ST Kralorela invaded by God Learners [G:CotHW#1].

734 ST Errinoru sets sail with his fleet [G:CotHW#1].

789 ST King Svagard of Seshnela creates the Empire of the Sea and Land [G:CotHW#1].

819 ST The first fireberg returns [ToTRM#10]

823 ST Emperor Miglos attempts to invade Brithos. He is killed and his followers drowned almost to a man [G:CotHW#1]. Umaliath is rediscovered, drifting over the Banthe Sea heading for Brithos. The God Learners are forced to ally with their old foes, the Sea Gods [ToTRM#10]. Comment: The God Learners try to save Brithos after losing a battle? I suspect a peace treaty was made - PHM.

850 ST Valkaro leaves Seshnela and travels to the East Isles [C#2].

920 ST The Closing radiates from Brithos [G:CotHW#1].

922 ST The Closing strikes Fronela .[G:CotHW#1].

930 ST The Closing strikes Slontos [G:CotHW#1].

935 ST The Closing reaches Mirrorsea Bay [G:CotHW#1].

940 ST The Closing reaches Jrustela [G:CotHW#1].

954 ST The Closing reaches Kralorela [G:CotHW#1].

950 ST A Jrusteli scholar publishes a book proving that the Elves of Enkloso are extinct [ER]

955 ST The Closing reaches Umathela and Teleos [G:CotHW#1].

956 ST The Closing reaches the Marintho Sea [G:CotHW#1].

960 ST The Closing reaches Vormain [G:CotHW#1].

965 ST The Closing reaches the Eastern Isles but dissapates [G:CotHW#1].

998 ST Dakon Ven Dalorin demonstrates that the Basmoli of Tarien speak the same language as the Genertelan Basmoli [G:CotHW#1].

1050 ST Jrustela is sunk [G:CotHW#1].

1580 ST Dormal the Sailor sets sail to the Three Step Isles beginning the Opening of the Oceans. He then sails to Handra and from there to Pasos. He is forced to shelter in Alatan where the inhabitants try to kill him and steal his secret. Dormal kills king Jobar and escapes. [RQC].

1581 ST Dormal the Sailor lands in Nolos [G:CotHW#1].

1582 ST Dormal the Sailor sails to the Neleomi sea attempting to find Brithos. He discovers the New Vadeli Isles and the volcanic Red Islands. He lands at Laufol where the wizards attempt to detain him but fail. Dormal then travels up the Coast to Northpoint where he befriends the King [G:CotHW#1]. Alatan makes many ships like Dormals and quickly establishes a pirate kingdom. The Mournsea Triolini ask the Holy Country for help. In response the pharaoh sends a fleet of 42 ships which met the Alatan fleet, which has 50 ships, and lost. Many Manirian ports paid tribute to Alatan after that [RQC]. Comment: The volcanic Red Islands that Dormal discovers are the Red Vadeli Isles. But I do not think anyone would know that the inhabitants are Vadeli - PHM

1583 ST Dormal sails to the Ygg Isles and from them attempts to reach Luathela [G:CotHW#1]. The Vadeli reach Jrustela and claim to be messengers of the Gods sent to rule human Jrustela and save them from the sins of their ancestors [RQC] Comment: This appears to indicate that humans have survived the Closing on Jrustela - PHM

1585 ST Vadeli fleets overcome Umathela and Fonrit [G:CotHW#1]. A Pasos fleet sacks Alatan but the Alatan fleet has fled. The Holy Country searches the Mournsea Isles for the Alatan fleet and destroys it. Thereafter a treaty is signed between the Duke of Pasos and the Pharaoh to suppress piracy along the Manirian coast [RQC].

1586 ST A Holy Country fleet reaches Teleos and establishes the port of Dosakayo [G:CotHW#1].

1587 ST The Kralori destroy a Holy Country fleet [G:CotHW#1].

1588 ST The Vadeli encounter the Masloi. Naval War begins in Pamaltela [G:CotHW#1].

1589 ST Kralori merchants enter the waters of Vormain [G:CotHW#1].

1591 ST Pasos sailors reach Jrustela and forment rebellion against the vadeli hegemony [RQC]

1592 ST Kralori merchants establish contact with the East Isles [G:CotHW#1].

1594 ST The battle of Oenriko rock is fought freeing Pamaltela from foreign domination [G:CotHW#1].

1595 ST Kralori merchants reach the Isle of Teleos [G:CotHW#1].

1598 ST Flanchi ships reach the Isle of Teleos completing the Opening [G:CotHW#1].

1606 ST Wolf Pirates settle at the Three-step Isles [G:CotHW#2].

1616 ST Holy Country fleet is destroyed by the Wolf pirates and the Rightarm Isles sacked [G:CotHW#1].

1617 ST Harrek is made the champion of Ygg. He then sails with half the population to the Three-step Isles [G:CotHW#1].

1618 ST Terthinus, the Voice of the Deep, is declared ruler of everything and on the Dashomo [G:CotHW#1].


C#2: Codex #2.
CoT: Cults of Terror
ER: The Elder Races Book of the Elder Secrets boxed set.
G:CotHW#1: The Glorantha Book of the Genertela: Crucible of the Hero Wars boxed set.
G:CotHW#2: The Genertela Book of the Genertela: Crucible of the Hero Wars boxed set.
RQC: Runequest Companion.
ToTRM#10: Tales of the Reaching Moon #10.
ToTRM#13: Tales of the Reaching Moon #13.

Legal bits: Glorantha is a creation of Greg Stafford. Runequest (TM) is the Avalon Hill Game Company's trademark for its fantasy roleplaying game.

Comments, praise and criticisms to Peter Metcalfe.

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