GLN ŒΓŽ–‹L ‰p•Ά English

Kojiki The latter volume

£OhokenoMikoto | OhokenoMikoto(Ninken Tenno)

OhokenoMikoto stayed on its duty of HirotakanoMiya in Isonokami and ruled the world.
The Emperor married Kasuganoohoiratsume in Young in OhhatsusewakatakenoSumeramikoto. The name of born Young is Takaginoiratsume. Next it's Takaranoiratsu. Next it's Kusubinoiratsume. Next it's Tashirakanoiratsume. Next it's WohatsusenowakasazakinoMikoto. Next it's MawakanoMiko.
He married daughter's Nukanowakugonoiratsume of HitsumanoWomi in Wani. The name of born Young is Kasuganoyamadanoiratsume.
These Emperor's Young is 7 pillars all together. Among these, WohatsusenowakasazakinoMikoto ruled the world.
(Without mentioning in Kojiki, about an Imperial mausoleum of Ninken Tenno.)

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