Population Decentralization Policies and Development Planning

1 Japan is positioned as a leading member of advanced nations in the world. In this country the population decentralization policy has been undertaken in nation-wide. The prefecture of Kagoshima, one of the most indigent regions in Japan has much interest in this population decentralization problem from the view point of regional development.

2 How to keep the balance of population and economy is the most important theme for developing-areas in the course of carrying out their development plans. Especially this theme has much significance for economically-developing districts,because they generally have surplus population compared with their economic power.

3 The rapid growth of urban districts resulted from the concentration of population and economy has brought about aggravation of the living environment and too much complicated administration in the areas.

4 In consequence, it becomes urgent necessity to decentralize or to flow back the urban surplus population to rural districts. In order to enforce the decentralization, oppotunities are required in rural districts to soak up labor force forcusing on younger cohort.

5 There are mainly two kinds of policies for that. One is the policy related to the induction of private capitals, and the other to favorable treatment to increase financial investment such as the frame of social-capitals.

6 As for the induction of private capitals,both favorable treatment to depreciation and the reduction and exemption from local taxes are applied by laws and regurations to enterprises located in rural districts.

7 Meanwhile, as for the financial treatment, the situation has gradually become severe in which "Small Government" is required in world-wide.However every possible effort has been taken by central government,for example,through upgrading the subsidy-rate or framing specific systems for financial investment to developing districts.

8 One of the nations in Asia that strongly need population decentralization policies may be Thailand. This nation seems to present a phenominum of the excessive gravitation of population into Bang-Kok, the capital, as shown in the figures of 5 millions in Bang-Kok and 20 thousands in Cheng Mai City.

9 The same phenominum is found in my prefecture in which 550 thousands among the whole population of 1.79 millions concentrate into the capital city. In this prefecture ,every consideration to decentralize the population has been taken into various kinds of policies such as the consolidation of basic infrastructures, for examples,airport and harbors, and cultural facilities, and even in water supplying.

10 However, the population decentralization policy in Japan has partly become in an impasse, which means that it can settle no longer in rural districts those population who whishes to live in the higher standard of living and culture, only by soaking up working population mainly from the secondary industry.

11 For those reasons, modification has been added to the population decentaralization policies by putting forward the development plan in each district forcusing on the induction of such facilities for culture, leisure and better life along with the induction of industries and powerful economy.

12 That situation in Japan may be most useful precedents to those newly-developing countries trying to evolve new population decentralization plans.